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Narrowing her eyes, she sat up and said, “Considering my options, I’d rather go topless.”

He leaned down and placed a brief kiss on her lips, then said, “I applaud you for stickin

g to your principles, Princess.”

“Your applause has nothing to do with my being topless?”

He grinned at her and said, “I didn’t say that.”

She couldn’t help but return his grin as she slid under the covers. She was much more at ease when they kept things light between them. She hated the uncertainty and weirdness.

He moved the shirt on the end of the bed back into his dresser and pulled out another T-shirt.

He stared at her as he tossed it her way, saying, “If you say something nasty about The Rolling Stones, I’m seriously going to have to ask you to leave.”

“Who?” she asked as she tugged the shirt over her head.

He stared at her blankly until she started to laugh.

Shaking his head, he said, “You shouldn’t toy with a man like that.”

He slid in bed next to her and turned off the lamp on the night stand.

Taryn rolled over on her side to face him. He shifted to his side, then reached out to run his knuckles down the side of her face.

“You, Taryn Michaels, are not at all what I expected,” he said, his voice soft.

“Same goes, Evan Connolly,” she responded, yawning. “Same goes.”

She felt a light kiss on her lips as her eyes drifted closed.

Chapter 8

Evan woke up to the blaring sound of the alarm. Groaning, he slapped at it and curled back up against Taryn. She shifted, pressing back against him, then gave a yawn.

“What time is it?” she mumbled, snuggling further under the covers.

“Too early,” he said. “But I gotta get up and take care of the plants before work.”

She sighed remorsefully and sat up. “I’m up. I just need a second.”

He put a hand on her shoulder, pressing her down and said, “I’m not trying to kick you out. I just have to get up. Sleep some more if you want.”

She nestled back down under the covers and said, “Mmkay.”

By the time he was done brushing his teeth, she was asleep again. Smiling, he watched her for a minute before he pulled on a shirt and went up to the roof. He hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. Not that he was complaining, he thought with a grin.

She hadn’t been what he expected at all. She’d been so responsive and uninhibited. Normally she had this tension about her, like she was always on her way somewhere. Even when they had eaten dinner those few times, she’d seemed like that. Watching her fall apart underneath him had been indescribably sexy.

He shook his head to dislodge the images and refocused his attention to the task at hand. He spent the next thirty minutes watering and feeding the plants. After he was done, he took a moment to gather some fresh herbs from the garden and then went back downstairs.

When he walked back into the bedroom, she was sitting up. She gave him a sleepy grin and said, “Hi there.”

“Hey,” he said, grinning. Then, glancing at the clock, he regretfully added, “I need to shower or I’m going to be late opening the shop.”

She nodded and got out of bed. Stretching, she asked, “Want some company?”

A grin spreading across his face, he glanced at the clock and said, “I’ve got thirty minutes until I need to be downstairs. I can make them count though.”
