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“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she said.

“I loved it,” he said, framing her face with his hands. “I love you.”

She froze in his arms, almost paralyzed by fear.

It must have been written on her face because he said, “I’m not telling you with expectations that you have to return the feeling, Cora. I feel it and I just wanted you to know.”

Slowly, she nodded and said, “Okay.”

She could see the pain flash in his eyes, and that only made it worse. She needed to get the hell out of there. Now.

“I’m going to head home now,” she said, gesturing vaguely in the direction of her house. “I’ve got a lot to take care of before tomorrow.”

He reached into her open trunk and pulled out his bag. Then he nodded and said, “Let me know you got home safely.”

She nodded, closed the trunk of the car, and then opened the driver’s side door. She took a calming breath, buckled her seat belt and drove off. As she looked in the rearview mirror, he stood in the same spot, watching her drive away.

The drive home was quick. Her hands had almost stopped shaking by the time she pulled into her driveway. She unpacked her car, and moved inside.

She settled on her couch and immediately got out her cell phone. She texted Jamie and said, “I’m home. Look. I know that wasn’t a rational reaction to your statement. I’m sorry I freaked out. Can I just take a little time and get my head on straight?”

Setting down the cell phone, she moved her overnight bag into the laundry room. She dumped the entire thing directly into the washer. After she fished out the toiletry bag, she poured the soap into the washer and started it.

When she made back into the living room her phone was buzzing against the tabletop. She picked it up and read his response.

“Thanks for letting me know you made it home okay. Call me when you’re ready to talk.”

* * * *

It had been almost three days since Cora had spoken to Jamie. She pressed a hand against her burning stomach. She knew she needed to talk to him, but she still had no idea what to say. She let out a deep sigh.

When her phone buzzed next to her, her heart jumped into her throat for a moment until she saw it was Taryn. She picked up the phone and said, “Hello?”

“Hey, Cora. So, uh. I don’t mean to pry but Jamie was over here last night and he seemed really down. Are you guys okay?”

“Excellent job you’re doing with that whole not prying thing,” Cora said sarcastically.

“Stop deflecting. See what I did there? I used your psychology witchcraft against you.”

“Clever girl,” Cora said.

“Seriously, Cora. Are you guys fighting? What happened?”

She let out a deep sigh and said, “He told me he loved me and I freaked out.”

There was a lengthy silence on the line, followed by her sister saying, “Been there. Done that.”

Cora remembered the really nasty fight they had gotten into over that and said, “I seem to recall.”

“So I’m going to do you the same favor that you did me and tell you to get your shit together. Talk to him. Cora, he looked so sad. So lost,” Taryn said.

“I don’t know what to say at this point,” Cora said.

“Tell him you love him, you dummy.”

“I can’t.”

“So if you don’t love him, then tell him that. Stop screwing with his head. He obviously cares a great deal about you.”
