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There was the time that Anne caught us on the couch one morning, but I didn’t like to think about that. We’d fallen asleep to a movie and woke up hungry for each other, and we were fully involved when she walked into the kitchen and turned to leave again. I was mortified, but I still came with him that day, clearly more into Boyce than my scattered emotions. We made a point of it to never happen again, keeping it in the theater downstairs or the bedroom. We were quiet when guests were over, making up for it once we were on our own again and fucking through the night as we let every sound carry through the empty house.

I loved the way that he made me feel so complete. I loved the way I let all my inhibitions go and how I could just be myself around him. Boyce loved that we were different personalities and explored that as much as he could. He found that it made our relationship better and told me that he loved me more each day.

I loved him more each moment.

When we were together for three and a half years and just before I graduated with my bachelor’s degree, Boyce took me to Europe for a fast-paced, two-week trip. It was to celebrate the fact that I’d be finished with school and beginning work in a building near Boyce, which made him consider buying a better place where we could live during the week. We spent the days wandering the city that we were visiting that day and the nights making love in the quaint little hotel rooms that Boyce booked for the trip. I was a spoiled girl and thanked him endlessly for all that he did for me daily.

We were in France for a few days and touring the city. We had some extra time to eat and take pictures of The Eiffel Tower, which I’d always wanted to see. Boyce took me over there to get some more close shots with my new camera and I marveled at the sight. It wasn’t until I heard a gasp that I turned to see him on one knee, gazing lovingly at me. We had an audience, but I quickly forgot that as he started to speak, telling me that I was one of the best choices that he’d made after a long struggle. He told me that I made his life worth living again and I cried as I listened to his words.

When he ended by asking me to marry him, I dropped down and stared into his eyes. Mine were blurry with tears and Boyce grinned and reached into his pocket. He withdrew a stunning ring with a round diamond and smaller ones beside it, reaching for my hand as he slipped it on my finger to the sound of cheers. “That’s going to be on You Tube, isn’t it?” I asked as he chuckled and kissed me.


She said yes. Vivian was going to marry me. I had the proof of the video that was going viral, but I didn’t need it other than to direct people to a place to view it. I could see her love in her eyes and feel it in her words. We agreed on a late summer wedding on or near a beach, something that just included family or friends. Vivian didn’t have a lot of close friends through college being so busy and only asked Bella to be her bridesmaid. I picked the one friend that honestly seemed to support me through this rather than teasing me about finding young pussy or giving up my single life. They could all fuck off.

I was happy.

I wanted a future with Vivian. I wanted babies with Vivian. I felt my mind rushing as we made our way back to our hotel room and opened the door, needing to feel my new fi

ancée. I closed it and she turned to look at me with a hungry look in her eyes. “Get your clothes off and lay on the bed for me,” I told her as she shivered and moved in that direction. She shed her jeans and long-sleeved blouse before taking her matching bra and underwear off. Vivian turned and faced me before she scooted up to the pillows that were so neatly placed on the bed. There was the last light of the sun shining through the window and I started to take my own clothes off as I approached her. I was naked by the time I reached the bed and I regretted not being able to tie her up here as I spread her legs open and slowly kissed my way up her soft skin.

Vivian moaned softly as I teased her, arching her back when I finally reached her slick pussy. This was mine now, all mine. I felt a sense of pride wash over me as I tasted her with my tongue as she whimpered, moving slightly before I told her to keep still. I teased her then, bringing her to the edge before I’d take away her release. I wanted this to remain in her memory for a long time to come.

Once I finished worshiping her gorgeous body, I slipped inside of her. I was thinking of the future when I could knock her up as I kept it slow, telling her to wait for me. We started to move together as she clutched at me, rocking her body against mine.

I told her when to let go and she did, coating me with her warmth before I jerked and filled her with my essence. “I love you,” I murmured as I stilled, memorizing the sensations.

“I love you.” Vivian placed a kiss on my neck before she held me close, promising me the future.

***End of Main Story***

***I hope you loved reading “My Best Friend’s Dad” and would equally enjoy some of my Best Sellers that I have included as Bonus inside this book. It is just a small gesture to thank you for downloading my book and giving me an opportunity to succeed in my Indie Author career***



I am a single dad with needs.

I am also a DEA agent with a huge attitude and a very big…gun.

Four bullets into my body and I am reminded that my little girl needs her dad.

I gotta keep her safe, even if that means leaving this place and getting into my little hometown.

And while we are recovering from the stress of big city, Jenny happens to me.

Jenny, the girl I babysat.

Jenny, the skinny innocent girl that has turned into a voluptuous beauty.

Jenny, whose gorgeous eyes melt my heart…and soul.

And then, I realize Jenny needs my protection too.

I’ll destroy everything in my path to claim her, mark her as mine.

Yes, this DEA agent will do all it takes to keep the two women in his life safe, and happy.
