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“Healing myself?” I finish for him, knowing this is difficult for him to ask. But it’s a good question. I’m glad he feels comfortable enough to broach it. “I probably could. Well, I’m sure I can. I could remove the clamp. And the casing, since there’s no need for my physician to have access to fix something broken.” A small smile tugs at my lips. “I’m no longer in fear of the mercury reaching my heart, right?”

His answering smile is almost sad. I wonder what’s really going through his mind.

“And I could heal the scarred skin,” I continue. “It’s just…I’m not sure I’m ready. Not yet, anyway. You’d think for all the grief this abnormality has given me, getting rid of it would be simple. Easy. Not even a second guess needed.”

His fingers continue to outline the rough skin around the glass. “That makes perfect sense, Kal.” I raise my eyebrows in an unspoken question, and he presses on. “Your abnormality never defined you. I think you finally understand this, but there’s still much to figure out. So it’s only understandable that you’d hold on to it.”

“Like a crutch,” I say.

“No.” He touches my jaw, lifting my face just enough so that our eyes lock. “Not a crutch, a keepsake. And when you finally get all your answers, then you can move forward. Decide for yourself when it’s time to let it go.”

A shot of mercury rushes my heart, firing a burst of warmth through my body. I try not to fear the severe love I have for Caben as it overpowers my senses. “Thank you. You’re so smart.”

He chuckles, and I scoot closer to him, relieved to feel the intensity of the moment taper with his light tone. “That’s a first,” he teases.

“Don’t let it go to your head.” I wink. Then, “I may have a starting point.”

His eyes widen, but he waits for me to continue.

“Teagan mentioned something when we were locked up together. She said I’m not the first to house Bale’s divine blood. That there were others before me.”

His brow furrows. “Then I’m sure not all of them had contraptions to protect it from their hearts,” he says. “You were meant to always access its full potential.”

I shake my head against the pillow. “Maybe. I don’t know…but I think it’s time to question her in depth on her knowledge about it. Because…”

I trail off, gathering my courage. “I can’t hide from Bale forever. I know that’s what Bax wants me to do—”

“He’s not the only one,” Caben says in a firm tone.

“But I can’t, Caben. You know this. For one, whatever limited power I’m using to hide us is her power. She understands it better than I ever could. She will find us. Eventually.” His eyes shimmer, the glowing embers revealing his worry. “And I’d rather understand everything before that day. To be prepared.”

“You’re the bravest woman I know, Kaliope Rainym.” He places a soft kiss to my forehead, and I release the tears building in my eyes. “Until then,” he says, his determined gaze finding mine. “We run.”

We fall into silence, our mingled breaths the only sound between us.

As Caben’s blue eyes hold mine, I become brave and say, “Hold me. That’s all I crave.”

“That,” Caben says, wrapping his arm around my waist, his hand seeking the exposed skin of my back, “I can do.”

And for now, it’s enough.

Tomorrow, when the light breaks the darkness, and the sounds return from their reprieve, there will be goddesses, and monsters, and divine mercury, and beasts, and crowns, and enough commotion to drown out my uncertainties.

But tonight, locked in Caben’s arms, I accept what solace the man I love can offer. And I give what serenity I can in return. For there is nothing, nothing that I would trade in this moment if it meant losing us all over again.

Not even my fear of a doomed fate I’m nearly certain of.

The End
