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“We already slept together.”

“But—” I drum my fingers on the table. “Do you want to sleep with me again?”

“Yes,” he says, simply and without hesitation. Decisive.

I like it.

I like it too much.

I bite my lip. “Okay, how about—”

“No.” He takes another sip of coffee.

“You don’t even know what I’m going to say!”

“You’re going to suggest we decide whether or not to sleep together again based on your Magic 8 ball.”

My jaw drops. “How did you—”

“I’m not making this decision based on a children’s toy, Kelly.”

“Okay, okay,” I say soothingly, slowly pushing back from the table. “You don’t have to.” I jump to my feet and dash to the stairs. “But I need some guidance,” I call out, taking the stairs two at a time.

My Magic 8 ball—one of them—is on my dresser where I set it earlier after it guided me through the tricky decision of pink thong or black bikini panties. The damn ball led me toward the thong, which is unfortunate, because…well, comfort.

But she’s never steered me wrong before, so why would she start now.

I pick it up. “Should Mark and I sleep together again?”

Confession: I already asked her this morning. The answer both times? Maybe.

A third time can’t hurt—I just have to wait for her to get more desire.

I give it a shake, but before I can get the answer, a male hand plucks the Magic 8 ball away.

“Hey, I need—”

“No you don’t,” he says, holding it over his head even as I make a jump for it. “You don’t need this stupid ball to decide.”

“Call it a stupid ball again and I’ll knee your stupid balls,” I mutter.

He smiles and wraps an arm around my waist. “No you won’t.”

“I might!”


He lowers his mouth to my neck, and I can’t stop the sigh as his lips touch the skin just below my ear. “Wait, if I could just see—”

“Make the decision, Kelly.” His mouth opens over my neck, teeth nipping lightly.

I gasp. “I can’t—”

“Yes you can.”

“I’m—” I swallow as he kisses the sensitive skin at the base of my throat. “I’m scared,” I manage.

Mark goes still and straightens so he can meet my eyes. “Of me?”
