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I see large block writing, I know immediately what I’m looking at. A Love Actually situation.

I should wait for her to wake up, to do this her way. But when you’ve waited ten damn years…enough.

The first sign simply says Mark.

I slide it aside and read the posters that follow.

I know that as far as plans go,

This one isn’t the most original.

It’s not even my favorite.

For the record, I’d much prefer we live in London,

And that I go door-to-door caroling.

But you like it here, and so…

Here I am.

Telling you on stupid posters.

That I love you.

I all the way love you

No hesitation.

No “I think.”

I love the way you look at me.

The way you challenge me.

The way you’re always there for me,

Even when I don’t deserve it.

I don’t deserve you.

I know that.

I’ve been slow, clueless, and blind.

I’ve looked in all the wrong places for love.

Listened to fortune-tellers instead of my heart,

And trusted horoscopes instead of my heart.

I’m done with that.

You and I are meant to be.

Not because it’s in the stars.

Or a fortune cookie.
