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“We lucked out and got a calm one, but that doesn’t mean my life doesn’t revolve around tripping on soccer balls and pulling action figures out of the sofa cushions.”

Her voice lacked any real irritation, and Sophie felt a spurt of jealousy. Ashley seemed to have it all. Handsome, successful husband, great kid, beautiful home. And even in her casual clothes, she had an air of confidence that Sophie had spent years trying to fake.

“Ian, did you fix the grill yet?” Ashley asked distractedly as she wrestled with a corkscrew.

Ian caught Sophie’s eye and shook his head before turning back to his wife. “I certainly did. Gray, come admire my skills. I just need a quick detour to the garage to grab my tools.”

“Ian!” Ashley said. “You said you’d have it fixed by the time they got here.”

“Ash, I’m thinking maybe the grill isn’t meant to work until Memorial Day. It’s a sign that we should be eating indoors.”

“We’re eating outside,” Ashley said as she poured two liberal glasses of white wine for herself and Sophie. “That’s why we have the heaters. Which are working, right?”

But Ian had already disappeared into the garage. Gray shot Sophie a glance. “You okay if I go help Ian?”

“Don’t worry, I promised Ian I wouldn’t interrogate her,” Ashley said, handing Sophie a glass.

“Just like he promised to fix the grill?” Gray said with a rare grin.

Ashley pointed to the French doors leading out to an enormous patio. “Go. I need girl time.”

“Don’t scare Sophie off,” Gray said with a small smile.

Sophie blinked in surprise. He was talking about her as though they were together. Which they weren’t. But he was out the door before she could figure out what he’d meant.

“He likes you,” Ashley said as she patted a bar stool at the center island. “It took him forever to admit it, even to Ian. But he wouldn’t have brought you here otherwise.”

“He hasn’t brought over women before?” Sophie was trying for casual curiosity, but it came out as insecure prying.

Ashley shrugged. “Not since Jessica. He’s mentioned he was engaged once?”

“Yeah. Wasn’t exactly liberal with the details, though.”


Sophie smiled. “You know him well.”

The other woman tilted her head. “So do you, apparently.”

“We work together. It’s my job to read him.”

“On weekends too?”

Sophie took a long sip of her wine and shifted in her seat. “I don’t really know what this is. I thought he was just bringing me along to make the situation more comfortable, but I’ve never seen him as comfortable as he is with you guys, so obviously that’s not it…”

Ashley shook her head. “He comes over every couple weeks or so. No buffer needed.”

Sophie was more confused than ever.

“It’s like I said,” Ashley said gently. “He likes you.”

A sharp rapping at the glass had them both looking up to see Ian staring in the kitchen window, miming shoving something in his mouth and pointing at the fridge.

“Oh crap, I forgot all about the bruschetta,” Ashley said. “I kind of wanted nothing to do with it after a tomato exploded all over my shirt. Sorry, I meant to change first, but I’m comfy.”

Sophie smiled. “Believe me, I like it better this way. I was picturing someone like my mother. Frosty hair, ever-present pearls, and designer slacks.”

Ashley snorted. “Not my thing. Grab that wine while I get the appetizers. Let’s go feed the menfolk.”
