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“I’m actually not that hot,” I say, waving my champagne. “I’m fine here. You guys go play, though.”

“Do you, like, not know how to swim?” Morgan asks, as though that’s the only possible explanation for why I’m still on the chaise lounge and not falling all over myself to frolic with Gage in the pool.

“I can, I just—”

“Prove it,” Gage says, leaning down and plucking the champagne from my hand, dripping pool water all over me.

“Hey!” I exclaim as he downs the rest of the champagne. “What are you—”

He sets the empty glass on a side table and, before I can react, wraps strong fingers around my wrist and hauls me to my feet.

“You want to keep the shades on for this?” he asks, nodding his chin in the direction of my sunglasses.

“What? Keep them on for what?” I ask.

He ignores the question, tugging me forward. He’s also released LeAnn, resulting in yet another feminine glare directed my way. Why is he doing this? Why can’t he just ignore me altogether, and then nobody will be the least bit surprised when he sends me home at the ceremony tonight?

Too late I realize what he’s pulling me toward. I balk, but it’s useless. He’s got a hundred pounds on me and is very, very determined.

He pauses just briefly at the edge of the pool, but it’s only to pull off his sunglasses, then mine, handing them to someone beside me before grinning down at me wickedly.

“Time to prove myself right,” he says, his anger shifting toward playfulness.

“About wha—”

My question’s cut off as he wraps one arm around my waist and hauls us both into the deep end of the swimming pool.

I saw it coming, and I have just enough time to hold my breath, but the cool water’s still a bit of a shock.

He releases me as we hit the water, and I push to the surface, sputtering in outrage as I shove my hair out of my face.

“Really?” I snap when he pops up beside me, looking completely pleased with himself. “This seemed like a good idea to you?”

“Actually, yes,” he says, as we tread water, staring at each other. “Like I said, I have something to prove.”

“What, that you’re a juvenile ass?” I say as I start swimming toward the ladder.

He catches up with me just as my hand finds the side of the pool, pulling me around to face him.

Gage’s green eyes lock on mine for a long moment before dropping deliberately to my chest. His grin grows wider. “Yup, I was right. Your precious T-shirt really does look good wet.”

I return his grin with a sweet smile of my own before planting my palm on the top of his head and using all my weight to push his stupid head under the water and use him as leverage to haul myself out of the pool.


I should let her go. Obviously. Not only am I showing Ellie clear favoritism, but the woman pisses me off like none other.

But she also makes me forget. She makes me forget that I’m at the center of a ridiculous farce of a TV show. Makes me forget that I’m surrounded by women who care far more about fame than they’ll ever care about me. Makes me forget my brother. Layla. The baby.

I resurface just as her foot finds the top rung of the ladder. Grabbing a handful of her soaking-wet T-shirt, I haul her back into the pool with an indelicate splash.

Her expression is murderous when she comes back up, and before I can think better of it, I reach out and rub a thumb across her cheek. “Didn’t anyone tell you to wear waterproof mascara?”

Both of her hands fly to her face, only she needs at least one to keep treading water, and she promptly starts to sink. Acting instinctively, I wrap an arm around her slim body, pulling her close. “I’ve got you.”

She responds by sweeping her arm toward me, sending a wave of water into my face as she moves once more toward the side of the pool.

But I’m right there with her, my body blocking her access to the ladder. Ellie gives me an exasperated look, one hand on the side of the pool, the other wiping the black streaks from beneath her eyes. I almost wish she wouldn’t. There’s something alluring about the imperfection, especially when paired up against the other women I’ve been stuck talking to, their perfectly styled hair, the makeup that I’m sure has been carefully selected to stay put all day.
