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Ellie to Gage: Eh, it’s good. Really good, actually.

Gage to Ellie: Huh. No exclamation point. No champagne emoji. What’s up, Wright?

Ellie to Gage: Promise you won’t tell Marjorie?

Gage to Ellie: Can’t promise. Was going to go call your business partner and best friend whose last name I don’t even know RIGHT after we got done here.

Ellie to Gage: Okay, fine. It’s going great, and business is booming, mostly because of the show, so thanks for that…

Gage to Ellie: But?

Ellie to Gage: Don’t rush me! Anyway, so I’m a little…bored.

Gage to Ellie: Passing itch, or bigger than that?

Ellie to Gage: Not sure yet. And the topic makes me fussy, so let’s change the subject.

Gage to Ellie: You got it. About The Godfather…

Ellie to Gage: OMG.

Invitation Ceremony #13


Dear Cora—

You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding

of Gage Barrett and his future bride on Saturday, May 21, at two o’clock in the afternoon. Dinner and dancing to follow.


The Runaway Groom on why he jilted Cora: “I love her feistiness, but sometimes I got the feeling she was looking for a fight. I’ve got enough drama in my day job—I don’t want to deal with it at home.”


Text message from Gage to Ellie: Took your advice from our talk the other night. Talked to my brother today. And Layla. We Skyped, so I saw the baby.

Ellie to Gage: I’m so glad. How’d it go?

Gage to Ellie: My niece looks like a cranberry.

Ellie to Gage: Deep thoughts there, Hollywood. I mean, how did it go with your brother and Layla? Did you guys talk about…stuff?

Gage to Ellie: You mean like the fact that she dumped me and then ran off with my brother? Nah. Thought that was a little much for Skype.

Ellie to Gage: I get it.

Gage to Ellie: Actually, that’s not why. I thought I’d see them and be MAD. Instead I was just…I don’t know. They seemed happy, and I was happy for them, but also a little indifferent to our past. I dunno, maybe that makes me an ass.

Ellie to Gage: What it makes you is a well-adjusted adult. I’m proud of you.

Gage to Ellie: Thanks. You’re a good friend. Just in case you’re having one of those days where you remember how pathetic you are, and need a pick-me-up.

Ellie to Gage: You’re too good to me. How’s filming?

Gage to Ellie: Tedious. Final weeks are always the worst. Newness is worn off, and we’re mostly doing rework stuff. Plus there’s all these damn dust storms, which means we have to do reshoots of nearly everything.
