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Emma knew how this story went. Knew Benedict had done what most keepers would have done.

But Cassidy had changed the rules. He hadn’t gone right. Or left. He’d aimed dead center, his kick securing UNC’s victory over one if its most bitter rivals.

Emma couldn’t believe she hadn’t placed Benedict as that poor goalie from that epic night. But then, perhaps she shouldn’t be surprised that she hadn’t recognized him.

Back then, she’d had eyes for only one guy.

Emma was spared more soccer talk by the arrival of a cab at the curb. The doorman at Camille’s building opened it, and Cassidy’s attention shifted.

A familiar brunette approached. Danielle.

Emma smiled reflexively as Alex’s girlfriend turned their awkward threesome into an unbearable foursome.

Cassidy’s hand found Danielle’s waist, mimicking the position of Benedict’s hand on Emma’s.

For the briefest of seconds, his gaze burned into Emma’s and she felt herself go hot, before going cold. Very, very cold.

She forced her gaze to Danielle, ready with a Nice to see you again greeting, but Danielle wasn’t looking at her.

Nor was she looking at Cassidy.

Her blue eyes were locked on Benedict, and she looked dazed.

“Danielle, you remember Emma?” Cassidy said.

“Sure, hi!” Danielle said, her voice a little sharp as she gave Emma a wide, false smile. Her gaze immediately went back to Benedict’s and then she glanced at the ground.

Puzzled, Emma looked at her date and saw that he, too, looked shell-shocked before seeming to recover.

“Benedict Wade,” he said, extending a hand toward Danielle.

Emma’s nose scrunched in confusion. All night long, Benedict had been charming and jovial, but now his tone was almost reverent.

Danielle extended her hand, and Emma could have sworn she saw sparks when their fingers made contact. Actual sparks.

They both jerked back.

Emma lifted an eyebrow and her gaze found Cassidy’s just as he looked at hers. For once, their eye contact was free of subtext. For the first time in a long time, they were on the same page.

The page of confusion.

“Have you two met?” Emma asked, unable to keep her curiosity at bay.

“No,” Danielle said, still sounding dazed.

Benedict wordlessly shook his head.

Emma’s eyes met Cassidy’s again, wondering if he realized what was going on here. Emma was pretty sure that his girlfriend and her date had just stumbled upon the elusive insta-love.

Also know as love at first sight.

Also known as They are complete idiots if they ever think it will last.

Still, Emma knew when she was beat. She and Benedict had gotten along fine. More than fine. But the air was practically sizzling with sexual tension, and it wasn’t between her and Benedict.

Emma’d bet that even Camille hadn’t seen this turn of events coming.

Emma cleared her throat, just as Cassidy glanced down at Danielle. “Shall we let these two get back to their date?” he said.
