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His eyes flashed, and she knew he wanted to argue, but apparently he thought better of it, because he merely nodded. “Right, and once I sent in my letter of resignation there, I was in San Francisco, but that never felt right either. . . .”

“And New York? Does that feel right?” she asked, taking a sip of water.

He was quiet for a few moments. “I’m still trying to figure that out.”

To her surprise, Emma felt a strange pang at the thought that New York wasn’t home to Cassidy the way it was to her.

Felt a strange sense of . . . something . . . at the thought of him leaving the city. It would make her life simpler to be sure, but she realized then how much her and Cassidy’s cold war had become a part of her life here.

“Did your Oxford team really tell you I went on a date with Cole?” she asked.

Cassidy snorted. “If you knew them like I did, you wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.”

“But why’d they do it? I mean . . . why lie?”

He swirled his wine. “Because they wanted to coax me into asking out Alisha. They thought if I knew you were going on a date with Cole, I’d take action.”

“Did it work?”

He glanced at her. “Hell, yes, it worked.”

The admission surprised her. She and Cassidy had been seeing other people for years. As far as she could tell, her love life had never had an impact on his, and vice versa.

She wanted to ask what had changed, but couldn’t bring herself to form the question. Wasn’t entirely sure she wanted—or was ready for—the answer.

“You’re not asking why,” he said with a wry smile.

“Noticed that, did you?”

“Date whomever you want, Emma. Just not one of my employees. Especially not Cole. Or Lincoln. Or—”

She bristled a little at the rough command. “You don’t get to decide who I fall in love with.”

“Fair enough,” he said quietly.

They both fell silent as Jana placed burgers in front of them, and oh holy heck had Cassidy been right about this plac

e having one hell of a hamburger.

The fries were hot and perfectly salty, the burger was juicy and messy and decadent. Emma felt juice run down her chin and only halfheartedly swiped at it with her napkin because she was too busy taking the next bite.

“Good, huh?” he said with a knowing smile.

She could only shake her head. “Best Saturday night meal ever.”

He looked at her in surprise. “Even with the company?”

She picked up a fry and bit into it as she met his eyes, alarmed by the response that popped into her head but that she didn’t dare say.

That this night was perfect because of the company.

Chapter 15

In Emma’s rather substantial list of ex-boyfriends, there were only two that she was dreading talking to about their past.

One was her very sexy neighbor/temporary boss/former fiancé.

She hadn’t even let herself think about what it would be like when it came time to interview Cassidy. She’d deal with that when she was ready. Which might be never.
