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“Two reasons.” He holds two fingers in the air. “The first is that it’s got great potential. With your ideas and some smart marketing moves, I believe we can turn it into a hot spot in Park Slope.”

I believe that too.

“What’s the second reason?”

He waits for a beat before he leans forward. Lowering his voice, he says, “I did it for you, Isabella. I know how much it means to you.”

Chapter 49


We held hands all the way back to his penthouse. I tried to pull away once we were on the subway, but Barrett only tightened his grip on me.

I whispered that a Garent employee might see us, but he shook his head telling me not to worry about that.

“I have to go back to Chicago for a few days.” Barrett pulls the pins holding my bun in place. “It’s Garent business. The new COO has hit a few roadblocks.”

Shaking my hair loose, I smile. “You’re going to go kick those roadblocks out of the way?”

“Something like that.” He starts working on the buttons of my blouse. “You’ll take care of things here?”

I can handle the office. I did it when Duke was out of town. “I’ll keep things running smoothly.”

He groans when the white lace bra I’m wearing comes into view beneath the blouse. “I’d ask you to go with me, but I don’t trust anyone else to take over for me.”

Pride blooms in my chest. My job is important to me and knowing that he feels I’m capable of filling his shoes is a huge compliment.

His hands drop to the waistband of my jeans. “You’re mine for today. I’m not letting you leave until morning.”

“I’ll stay,” I whisper as I watch him unbutton my jeans.

Kneeling, he removes my boots before sliding the jeans down my legs. I kick free of them.

Standing in his bedroom dressed only in my bra and panties, I don’t feel exposed. I feel safe and cherished. I’ve never felt this comfortable with a man before. I trust him with my body and with my heart.

He yanks his sweater over his head in one fluid movement.

The sight of him, half-dressed with desire in his eyes, makes me want to strip bare and climb on him so I can wrap myself around his beautiful body and never let go.

“Feel this,” he says, his voice low and filled with need.

Lifting my hand in his, he presses my palm against the center of his chest. I close my eyes. The rhythmic pounding of his heart is strong and rapid.

“You do that to me.” He edges his cheek against mine, still holding my hand against his skin. “You make my heart race.”

“You do that to my heart too,” I whisper.

His free hand drops to my chest. Pressing two fingers between my breasts, he smiles. “I feel it. It’s beating faster than mine.”

Stealing a quick kiss, I laugh. “It’s because you’re so hot.”

I expect at least a chuckle in return, but that’s not what I get. He pulls back so he can look me in the eye. “It’s more than that.”

He’s right. It’s so much more than that, but I’m not ready to confess that to him. I’m not sure I’m ready to admit it to myself.

“You feel things in here.” He presses his fingers harder on my skin.

“Do you feel things in here?” I respond with a push of my fingers into his muscled chest.
