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I look down at my hand. The blue nail polish that was on my thumbnail is long gone thanks to my anxiety. A sinking feeling has taken root in my stomach. It’s been there since Sunday when Barrett left me standing on the sidewalk outside of Calvetti’s.

I’ve only heard from him twice since then.

The first time was on Monday morning when he texted me to say he was sorry again.

I sent him a message back telling him not to worry. My family understood why he had to rush off. Marti was most concerned. When she held the bouquet of peonies Barrett had brought to her nose, she asked if he needed anything.

She would have chased him down the street with a bag filled with food if I had let her.

When I asked how his dad was in my responding text, his answer was short and to the point – fine.

The second time he sent me a message was late on Wednesday night.

I had fallen asleep an hour before with the television blaring. I didn’t hear the chime. I woke up at six a.m and read the message, but didn’t reply right away because it was so early in California.

That message was all business.

He asked me if I could please reach out to Ivan again since they hadn’t connected. He wanted to speak to him. I got in touch with Ivan once I was at the office. He agreed to call Barrett, so I texted my boss back to let him know.

That was over twenty-four hours ago, and I haven’t heard a word since.

Taking a sip from the cup of coffee in my hand, I drop my eyes to the crossword puzzle in front of me.

The clue I’m stuck on is a four-letter word for when it’s finished.

The chime of the elevator arriving draws my gaze up. When the doors fly open, I bolt up in my chair and slide the crossword under the folder on my desk.

Marching toward me with a grim look on his face is Ivan Garent.

“Isabella,” he says my name somberly. “Come into Duke’s office. We need to talk.”

It’s Barrett’s office I want to say, but something tells me that everything is about to change.


“How’s Duke?” That’s my first question because it’s one I know he needs to hear.

“It’s a long process.” He motions toward the door. “Please shut the door so we can have some privacy.”

I do as he asks, skimming my hands over the skirt of my dark green dress. I’m a bundle of nerves. Something incredibly important must be going on if it took him away from his family.

When I turn back to face him, Ivan has settled in Barrett’s office chair. He looks out of place. Nothing feels right anymore.

“Sit, please.”

I lower myself onto of the two chairs that face the desk. Clearing my throat, I wait for him to say something.

With perked brows, he stares at me. “Is there something you’d like to say?”

For a brief moment, I wonder if he’s here because he knows about Barrett and me. Did someone tell him that we’re more than just boss and executive assistant? Maybe one of our co-workers saw us together on the subway or at Crispy Biscuit.

“No.” I keep my answer simple. I won’t confess to something I’m not sure he’s aware of.

Clasping his hands together in front of him on the desk, he leans forward. “Barrett resigned this morning. He won’t be coming back to Garent.”

Time slows as I take in those words.
