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“Let it be,” he said, softening his voice. “It was nice to see you today.”

When she unexpectedly threw her arms around him, Mantis took a deep breath and rested his head against the side of hers.

“Be safe,” she whispered.

“Always, mon coeur.” The words were rote, but that didn’t diminish their meaning. She’d been his heart for most of his life. Whether they were together or not, wouldn’t change that. Maybe one day another woman would take her place, but he didn’t see that happening any time soon.


Dutch stood to the side and watched the two people who mattered more to him than any others, wishing things were the way they used to be between them.

Mantis walked away from Alegria, and straight over to Dutch.

“Shipping out. I’ll be in touch.”

“Be safe,” said Dutch, reaching out to shake his hand.

“What’s that shit?” Mantis said, pulling him into a hug.

“I didn’t know—”

“You always know.”

Dutch felt like a bigger asshole than he had a few minutes ago. They’d never let each other leave without a proper send-off.

“Godspeed,” he said, squeezing Mantis’ shoulder.

“Appreciate it.”

Dutch looked into Alegria’s eyes when Mantis walked away. They were filled with so much sadness, it nearly shredded his heart. She was like a bird with a broken wing, powerless to do the thing she was best at—fly.

It wouldn’t be long before she mended, and when she did, would the time come when she finally admitted she wanted Mantis more than she wanted him?


Her own stubborn pride put her where she was, and would keep her there if she didn’t let it go and tell Mantis she forgave him.

Was that even fair? Was choosing to live by the commitment he’d made to serve his country something he should be forgiven for?

She wanted him to choose her, and he hadn’t, and that’s the part she hadn’t been able to forgive—until the day in the hospital when she woke up and he was there.

From that moment on, she’d been questioning the decision she made to end things with Mantis. No matter how strongly she denied the things Dutch said about her still loving Mantis, was he wrong?

She wasn’t being any more fair to Dutch than she had been to Mantis when she’d given him the ultimatum. Dutch loved her, and all he wanted in return was for her to love him back. She did, but not in the way he wanted. There was only one man she loved the way Dutch wanted her to love him—Mantis. Could what she felt for Dutch be enough for him, or would the time come when he walked away from her too?


“Where are we going?”

Striker sighed. “I won’t know for sure until I receive the briefing.”

“Not the final destination, Striker. I need to know where we’re going now. I can’t submit a flight plan unless I know where I’m taking you.”

“Right. Sorry. McLean.”

Mantis nodded. “Headquarters.”

“We had plans.”

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