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“Look, Mama,” Zary said, walking up to both of their mothers. “On poprosil menya vyyti za nego zamuzh.”

“Rubies,” her mother whispered.

“Yes,” Zary nodded.

“Four iyulya.”

“What is she saying?” Madeline asked.

Zary’s birthday is July fourth,” Ava whispered.

When her mother let her go, Zary hugged Gunner’s mother.

“I’m so happy for you,” Madeline cried, and then looked at Gunner. “And I’m so proud of you.”

“What’s going on?” asked Odette, coming in from the front of the house. “I can hear you all the way upstairs.”

“Your brother proposed,” said Madeline, pulling Zary by the hand over to where Odette was standing.

“Wow,” she said, studying the ring. “You did good.”

“That’s what I said,” Razor told them.

“So, why are we in the kitchen?” Madeline asked.

“Pancakes,” chirped Ava.

“And pierogies,” added Zary.

“I think I can manage both,” Madeline winked, opening the refrigerator and pulling out a bowl. “Your mother made these this morning,” she said to Zary, showing her the pierogies.

Zary hugged her mom. “Spasibo.”

Her mother kissed her cheek. “Merry Christmas!” she said again.

Gunner put his arm around the waist of the woman who would soon be his wife, and breathed in the scent of her. There was so much he loved about his Rocket Girl, and seeing her this happy filled him with a sense of peace.

“This is the best Christmas ever,” he whispered.

“I agree,” she said, leaning her body into his.

Chapter 15

Ava and Razor

“I feel like I should go get Aine,” Ava whispered.

“I’ll go get her if you want me to,” Tabon offered.

“Pen and Tara would probably come with her.”

“Are you talking yourself in or out of this?”

Ava shrugged. “I’m not sure what to say or not say to her. I don’t want her to feel left out of something like this, but I don’t want to make her sad either.”

Tabon leaned over and kissed the side of her face.

“You haven’t heard anything?”

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