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“Come back to bed, my darling,” he implored her.

She chuckled. “I thought you were asleep,” she said, though she didn’t move.

“Who can sleep with the world’s most beautiful and desirable woman curled up in his arms? I am merely a man, my love, not a god!”

"I shall hold you accountable for keeping me entertained for the next seven or so months.”

His smile was slow and devilish and full of promise. “Deal.”

In one smooth move, he divested her of the foil and lifted her into his arms, making her laugh out loud.

“Alexander!” she gasped, clinging to his neck as he started back for the house.

“What?” he said mildly. “I take my promises very seriously. If it is entertainment you want, it is entertainment you shall have.”

She laughed outright at his silliness. She loved when he looked at her like that, as though she were the most precious treasure in the world. Because of that look, she had taken the biggest risk of her life and it had paid off beyond her wildest dreams. A husband who loved, respected, and cherished her, and a much longed for baby on the way,

Alexander pulled her down t

o his face for a kiss, and when he had her trembling in a quite satisfying way, he asked, “Are you happy, my love?”

He stroked her hair as he spoke, and when she nodded, he smiled. “I will do everything in my power to keep you happy. I promise,” he said, “for as long as we live.”

Emma leaned up to see his face, and smiled back at him. She believed him. It was that simple. She looked forward to her happy-ever-after life with great anticipation.

The End
