Page 105 of Rugged Daddy

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“I really have. I’m taking the plans we drew up to them tomorrow so they can look it over and make suggestions for how to alter them for the new space.”

“Could I come with you?”

“Of course. We’ll take Luke and Audrey. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind seeing the place. I can show it to you while we’re in town.”

“I’d like that.” She smiled.

“Then it’s settled. We’ll get up in the morning, go to the construction appointment at ten. Then we’ll stop by and tour the place before getting some lunch.”

“Does a name change come with this move?” she asked.

“Do you want to change the name?” I asked. “Because I can make that happen if you want it changed.”

She lifted her head. “Well, Heather’s Bake Shop is a little plain.”

“I think it’s straightforward and to the point. You’re Heather, and it’s your bake shop.”

“But what if I went with something more creative, something that encompassed what my life is now?” she asked.

“I take it you have a name in mind already.”

She nodded as a smile slipped across her cheeks.

“Then tell me. What do you want the name of your new bakery to be?” I asked.

“Born and Bread,” she said. “You know, since I was born and raised here in Whitefish. I think fresh loaves of bread would sell on a regular basis in a small town like this, so I could add that and take away some of my sweets that haven’t sold over the last few years.”

The excitement that filled her eyes was exactly the type of excitement I wanted her to feel about her business. There was no way in hell I was saying no to something she had obviously been thinking hard on.

“It sounds perfect,” I said.

I licked my lips as my eyes scanned her naked body. Her neck flushed with lust as I rolled her over onto her back. “I need to finish dinner, Cameron.”

My lips fell to her neck as a soft moan escaped her throat

“The steaks won’t be cooked evenly.”

I wrapped my lips around her nipples as her body arched into my face.

“The kids might wake up soon,” she said breathlessly.

r /> “But they aren’t up now,” I said as I slid between her legs. “So you can start repaying me as soon as possible.”

As Heather’s back arched off the bed with my ministrations, I studied her. Watched her. Reveled in the taste her on my tongue again. I took my time with her, teasing her until she was begging me to stop. It was perfect. Everything about the moment was perfect. Her bakery was on track to be a success, she was willingly accepting my help with it, and our family had blossomed into an adventurous unit that was now seen and recognized around town.

“Cameron. I can’t take it anymore. Please. Just let me come.”

I pressed my lips firmly to hers and groaned as her body fell over the edge for me.

There wasn’t a damn thing in my life I wouldn't trade and not a second I would give up if it meant changing the outcome of where I’d landed. Heather was a beautiful mother and a successful businesswoman, and I had the family I’d always wanted. Our cabin was a home and not a prison, Audrey loved her “new name,” and Luke was turning out to be the big, strong boy I knew he would grow to be.

“Yes. Yes. Yes. I love you. Oh, Cameron. I love you so much.”

And as I held onto her body while Heather’s orgasm poured her juices on my skin, my life flashed before my eyes. I saw vacations and traveling and hotels with spas and saunas. I saw graduations and proms and grandchildren and holiday dinners. I saw everything I thought had been robbed of me the second my life had careened out of control.

And I saw it all with Heather.

I’d never expected to trust a woman with my heart after my hellish marriage had ended in disaster, but once I’d stepped out of hiding, I’d sworn I’d never hide again, not even from my feelings. This was love like I’d never known with my ex, and unlike that relationship, I felt Heather’s love for me down to my soul.
