Page 21 of Best Served Cold

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“Don’t worry, I’ll be good. I’m just here to help.” She could hear the smile in his voice.

Looking at Demetri, Stacy allowed herself to indulge in a small pity party. She wished that she’d met him before she met Thomas. This was a man she could easily fall in love with. And that meant she needed to stay far away from him.

True to his word, he helped her wash her body. And, other than lingering a little longer than necessary on her breasts and between her legs, he did not do anything deliberately arousing, much to her dismay. She rinsed her body off and climbed out of the sh

ower. Wrapping a thick bathrobe around her body, she twisted a towel around her hair like a turban. Entering the kitchen, she wondered what a werewolf ate for breakfast.

Pulling out some bacon, eggs and sausage that the company had provided at some point the last few days, she started breakfast before leaving to get dressed.

When she returned, she saw Demetri tending to the stove wrapped in only a towel. She gasped when she saw his back. He looked as though he’d been in a fight. But perhaps that was only fair since she’d noticed more than a few bruises on herself as she dressed, most of them on her hips. She smiled as she thought of them, more than happy to accept them as a reminder of the wonderful night she’d had.

“What’s wrong? I didn’t hurt you too badly, did I?” His gaze fell to her shirt. She wore a modestly cut business blouse. Anything else showed the various hickeys and bite marks she’d received. Looking at his chest, she couldn’t help chuckling. It seems he’d received as much as he’d given.

“Not at all. I’m sorry about your back. And your chest... Do they hurt?”

“It was worth it, and more.”

Stacy knew she was blushing, but she couldn’t lead him on. “Demetri...”

“I know. You were clear last night that you aren’t interested in anything long-term. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, does it?”

“No, I’d like that.”

“Friends with benefits?” He approached her and wrapped his arms around her.

She allowed herself to indulge in the embrace. Laying her head against his chest, she smiled. “Even better.”

“Good. I’d better go get dressed. Before I make both of us very late.”

She could feel his erection pressing against her. “I’ll finish fixing breakfast.”

When he disappeared, she forced her mind to focus solely on the task at hand. Pulling out a plate, she covered it with paper towels before laying the bacon and sausage on top. As the paper towels absorbed some of the grease, she put bread in the toaster and finished fixing the eggs.

Ten minutes later, they were sitting at the small table in her kitchen.

“This is delicious, thank you.”

“I’m glad. I wasn’t sure what were—what you ate for breakfast.”

“You made a good choice.”

Silence prevailed and they finished their meal lost in their own thoughts.

Taking his plate to the sink, Demetri turned to look at her. “I should go. I left my number in your bedroom. Just give me a call if you ever want to hang out.”

“I will. And thank you so much.”

“It was my pleasure, Stacy.”

She watched him leave her apartment and felt disappointed. With a fierce shake of her head she determined that she wouldn’t mope. She was starting a new life, and this was part of it. But that didn’t stop the guilt that flooded her as she remembered what she’d done. She was no better than her ex. She was an adulterous bitch.

Grabbing her purse, she headed for the door. As she walked, she looked inside the large bag for her keys. Unable to find them, she started panicking. It took a few moments for her to remember that Demetri had driven her home, and her car was still safely parked at work.

Sighing, she looked at the dry-erase board set up right beside her phone. Somehow, she’d managed to forget to get her friend’s phone number. Picking up the new cell phone, she put it in her purse, then scooped up her apartment keys. After locking the door, she moved down the hall.

Stacy didn’t need a mirror to tell her that her face was beet red when Tina answered the door. “Demetri brought me home, and I need a ride because my car is still at BSC.”

“No problem. I’ll give you a ride. But only on one condition. I want to hear all about your night.”
