Page 49 of Best Served Cold

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“Shit. I forgot that we were supposed to be wor—”

Jack scooped her up in his arms and seemed to speed through her apartment. She wasn’t sure if he moved so quickly on purpose or if it was a reflex, but she felt a little disoriented when her bed was suddenly in front of her. Thank goodness she’d changed her sheets! If she hadn’t, that would’ve been more than a little awkward—at least for her.

Standing there, the reality of her situation began to dawn. “I don’t just...that is to say I’m not—I don’t bring every guy back to my—”

“I know. We have just as many gossips in our community as you do. And more than a couple of them have made it their duty to find out as much about your past as possible.”

Stacy sputtered. “Why would anyone want to know about my boring life? Did you ask them?” She grew suspicious. Her anger vanished as quickly as it appeared. It would be the smart thing to do when meeting with an associate for the first time. She couldn’t really blame him for wanting to know a little about her, for being careful. Though it did sting her pride a little.

“No. For one thing, I know Ms. Pope knows what she’s doing. She wouldn’t have hired you if there were any doubts to your character or your ability to do the job. For another, the fact that Demetri extended his friendship speaks more than words that he respects you. And finally...” He leaned down to nibble lightly on her neck, his teeth grazing gently on her flesh. “If you were some whacko who wanted to destroy anyone who was not mortal...Mmmmm, well I can think of much worse scenery to look at as I die.” His hands lowered from her waist and cupped her bare ass, pressing her closer to him.

“I wouldn’t...” Damn, she was breathless. And he hadn’t done anything to her. Okay, he had, but that was out on the couch. And when did she become so unconcerned about walking around practically naked? Why would she care when she had a man like Jack doing sinful things to her body?

“I know. The last was a joke,” he said, his breath caressing her ear. “But only the last one. I do want you Stacy.”

Stacy was finding it hard to think. Swallowing the slight lump in her throat that betrayed her nervousness, she said, “Then why are you still talking?”

Cool air flowing against her hot flesh was the only signal she got that he’d removed her top. When he looked down at her, she felt herself blushing. She knew she had a body that most men liked to look at, but there was always that part of her that wondered if they found the same flaws she did when she looked at her reflection.

To ease her increasing anxiety, she giggled as she brought her hands up to scrape his chest with her nails. Her fingertips trailed against his stomach, and her smile broadened when she felt him flinch slightly beneath her touch.

“What’s the matter? Are you ticklish?” she teased.

“Actually, yes.”

With another giggle, Stacy wiggled her fingers against his sides, delighted when he tried to pull back. But somehow, they’d gotten turned so that the bed was directly behind him. She got to see him fall backwards on the bed, not with the graceful fluidity that she’d witnessed from him all night, but with a startled “oof”.

Climbing on top of him, she straddled him despite the sweat pants that were still covering him.

“Stop,” he half pleaded, half laughed.

“Don’t tell me no one tickles you...” She continued her fun torment, completely relaxing now that she knew he wasn’t as flawless as she’d thought. Or perhaps he was more perfect because of his flaws.

“Actually, they don’t.” He tried to capture her hands, but she evaded him. “Most people are scared of making me angry.”

“I’m not.” She told him the truth. Right now, sitting on top of him, watching him wriggle on her bed topless as she innocently tickled him, she knew she couldn’t fear him.

“I know. But you are going to—” He flipped them so that she was on her back, and he was between her legs. “Stop.” He looked into her eyes for a minute, then kissed her. It was slow, lingering, as though he had all night. With his kiss, Stacy remembered how much she wanted him. Her legs tightened around his waist as she tried to draw him closer to her. Pouting, a low growl of pure desire came from her throat as his covered cock rubbed against her. All thoughts of tickling him were gone.

Jack pulled away for only a second, but it was enough to make her feel mischievous. Her fingers were once again on his sides as she started to tickle the second his pants were gone. With a growl, he grabbed her hands in his and moved them over her head. He held them there securely.

Despite the fact that she tried to free herself, his grip remained firm. He wasn’t hurting her, just preventing her from playing with him anymore. So she used what she could. She tried to angle herself, using the bed to gain leverage. All that ended up doing was rubbing her pussy against his erection. She whimpered slightly, wanting to feel him inside of her.

“May I help you?” Jack whispered.

Stacy nodded. She was thankful when he didn’t make her tell him what she

wanted him to do. Not that she had a problem with sex talk, but she didn’t feel the need for it at the moment either. She felt him pull away slightly before his cock entered her with excruciating patience. She wanted to feel him inside of her now, buried to the hilt. Once there, she wanted him to start thrusting hard and deep until neither of them could remember their own names.

Jack, however, seemed to have different plans. He was a gentle lover, entering her slowly. She wanted him to ravage her, like in the paranormal romances that she read.

“Jack,” she gasped.

He grinned. “Yes?”

She opened her mouth to ask him something, but he reached between their bodies. His thumb circled her clit. Biting down on her lip, her entire body tensed. Jack’s movements sped up. Her nails dug into his waist, and she bit down on her lip so hard that she tasted blood.

The second her trembling eased, his thrusting slowed once again. Without missing a step, Jack leaned down and sucked her abused lip into his mouth.
