Page 51 of Best Served Cold

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She’d had a hard time falling asleep again after Jack left. Her mind seemed to constantly drift back to Demitri. She didn’t even consider them to be together, but she still felt guilty. After tossing and turning for most of the morning, she knew she’d have to at least ask about having her emotions suppressed. Or, at the very least, her feelings for Demetri blocked...whatever they were.

“You’re here early,” Tina said as she put the phone down. “You look like hell. Did Jack work you too hard? He can be a dictator sometimes. Why he doesn’t make more regular visits so we don’t have to do six months’ worth of work in one night is beyond me.” Tina shook her head. “Though I must admit, outside of work, he’s a lot of fun. Get a couple of blue motorcycles in him and he’ll have you laughing so hard your sides hurt.”

“I um...I didn’t—didn’t have any—any problems with—”

“Jack too? Wow, girl, you are on a roll.”

“I didn’t say that,” Stacy mumbled. She was thankful she’d thought to wear a turtleneck.

“You don’t have to. Everything about you is screaming it. I’m impressed.”

Looking at her friend, Stacy knew Tina did not mean that in a catty way. Hell, she was impressed herself. She’d never have guessed two weeks ago how different her life could be. But she would gladly admit that she’d been infinitely happier in her new life than she could remember ever be

ing in her marriage. Especially during the last three years of it.

“You are going to have to tell me all about it later. Right now, I want to know what brings you to the office. I don’t think I’d have gotten out of bed. Especially with Jack beside me.”

“I thought you didn’t like him.” Stacy was confused. Hadn’t Tina called him a dictator?

“Playing secretary for him for one night to catch up on six months of paperwork? Um, no. But that doesn’t mean I’d kick him out of bed. I can’t believe you left him alone. What if he wakes up and needs your help?” Tina wiggled her eyebrows.

“He left before dawn.”

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. I’d never have thought he’d be that type. What a jerk.”

“No. I told him to go. I didn’t want him to get hurt.” When Tina stared at her, Stacy continued. “I woke him up and told him it was almost dawn. He chuckled, said he’d help me pick out a few vampire books for my library then promised to call me later in the week.”

“That makes more sense. You do know that—”

Ms. Pope’s voice sounded through the office. “Tina, tell Stacy she can come back to my office.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tina shrugged and motioned toward the door.

Stacy never considered ignoring the comment. She entered the strange, unending hallway and followed the familiar path toward Ms. Pope’s office. After knocking once, she entered.

“No,” Ms. Pope said before the door was shut. She hadn’t even looked up from her paperwork.

“I haven’t even asked anything yet,” Stacy blurted out.

Her boss looked at her. “Then ask, so I can say no.” There was a twinkle in the other woman’s eye. It softened her words slightly.

“I wanted to discuss a modification to myself. I want to be able to suppress my emotions. To help me do my job better,” she quickly added.


“You could at least pretend to think about it.” Stacy sank down onto the chair positioned in front of the desk. Her thoughts raced inside of her head. What would she do now?

“Emotions are important. And yours are a large part of what makes you so special, so useful to us.”

Looking at Ms. Pope, Stacy didn’t feel guilty that the woman was massaging her temple this time. “But—but...”

“I’m sorry, Stacy. But the answer is no.”

“I can’t do that. I can’t do this. How am I supposed to be able to deal with Demetri and my divorce and Jack and who knows what else this place throws at me when all I can think about how I feel like I’m a lying cheater?”

“Please.” Ms. Pope rolled her eyes. “Everyone knew your marriage was over before you were unfaithful. Besides, it isn’t as though your ex was playing the part of a monk.”

“I don’t feel like I’m cheating on him,” Stacy blurted out, insulted. “I feel like I’m cheating on De—” She froze. “Wow, look at the time. I shouldn’t take up any more of your time...” She started to stand up.
