Page 54 of Best Served Cold

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“Hey, beautiful...” Someone said behind her. “Tina.”

“Great, look what the cat hacked up. What do you want, Brad?”

“Well, I was hoping maybe this beautiful woman would want to dance.”

“With you? Even drunk, she has better taste than that.”

Stacy watched the two arguing back and forth. She couldn’t really understand what they were arguing about. She stopped trying when another drink was sat down in front of her.

“Get lost,” another man growled behind her. From her body’s instant reaction to the voice she wanted to bang her head on the table.

“I think he just killed my buzz,” she lamented to Tina.

“Brad has that effect on people.”

“Not him, the other one.” She tried to whisper, but heard a deep masculine chuckle behind her.

“Let’s get her out of here,” Demetri said, putting his arm around Stacy’s waist and trying to lift her from her seat.

“No,” she argued. “I’m not going anywhere with you. Go look for another cruise ship, buddy, this one has moved on.” She tried to sound forceful, but even she could tell she was slurring slightly.

Tina sighed. “Orders from the boss. She’s supposed to get drunk. I’m supposed to let her do anything she wants, so long as she’d do it when sober as well. So, my hands are tied.”

“What if I just carry her out of here? You can’t be blamed for that, and it’s something that she’s done sober...”

“Yeah, but I don’t think she’d let you do that now. Sorry. Thanks for trying, though.”

“Yeah, go way.”

“I don’t think you mean that,” he told her with a smile and a deep breath.

“Oh, yes I do. The last thing I intend to do is wake up naked with you lying beside me with even more marks on my body. I refuse to look like a walking, talking bruise. Ow.” She poked her finger into his chest as she spoke. She had forgotten how hard it was.

He took her hand in his before she could pull away and sucked it into his mouth. Moisture flooded her pussy and she wanted to climb on top of him that moment.

“Better,” he asked in a low voice.

“Wha—uh-huh.” She tried to pull her hand away, but he was stronger.

“Why don’t we get out of here, Stacy?”

“No. I want to drink my drink.” Using her free hand, she picked up her glass and drank some of the cool drink.

Demetri leaned closer to her, his mouth pressing against hers the moment the glass moved.

Demetri licked his lips. “Mmm, Alabama Slammers, my favorite.”

Stacy opened her mouth to say something, she wasn’t sure what. Perhaps she was going to drunkenly admit that at that moment he could do anything he wanted to her body, and she didn’t care if the people at the bar watched them.

“Demetri,” she said, her eyes closing.

“What, baby?”

“I think I’m going to throw up.” She tried to stand up, but couldn’t seem to.

“I’ve got you. Come on, let’s get to the bathroom. ‘Cause if you puke on my shoes, you’re buying me new ones.”

Stacy chuckled at Tina’s words. As soon as she started to laugh, she knew it was a mistake because the room started spinning and her stomach threatened to spill at any second.
