Page 57 of Best Served Cold

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“I’m the wolf who warned you not to turn your back. The one who told you when we met that you do not run from a wild animal because it excites us.” He growled and she felt his teeth against her throat. “And don’t ever think that just because I wear a suit and I know how to play nice that I am not a wild animal.” He bit down on her shoulder harder, the same side he’d bitten before, and a moan escaped her.

“I’m the man who somehow found the strength to say no when you were crawling all over me, teasing me, caressing me. The one you nearly fucked last night in the middle of a bar, loudly proclaiming to anyone who cared to listen that you didn’t care who watched so long as I made you scream.”

He still had the firm grip on her hair and she knew she should be outraged. That she should protest and tell him to release her. But it was hard to make herself sound angry, convincing when she was trembling. And it wasn’t from fear. Had she ever been so excited before?

Still his speech continued.

“I’m the man who wouldn’t take advantage of you while you were drunk.” He bit her shoulder again. Then he slowly licked a path over her shoulder and up her still very exposed throat. “Well, Stacy, you aren’t drunk now. And even if I couldn’t smell how incredibly excited you are, make no mistakes. I can feel it.” He growled in her ear. “I’m not even inside your body yet and I can feel your cream on me.”

How did she get herself in this position? How’d she go from being infuriated to practically whimpering, wanting nothing more than to feel him thrusting inside of her?

He used his grip on her hair to tilt her head to the side. She was completely out of control, but she wasn’t scared.

“You are going to listen to me if I have to fuck you to make certain of it.” He slid inside of her. “And no rule breaking this time. The second you aren’t listening, I will stop and I will walk away. I won’t look back this time, Stacy. Do you understand me?”

She bit her lip and nodded as much as she could.

“Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” she groaned. Thankfully, he finally started thrusting into her.

“Don’t think for a second that I like the thought of another man being inside of you,” he growled. “The knowledge that another man is making you whimper, feeling your body under his hands.” He released her hair, but his hand wrapped around her throat, keeping it exposed.

As he thrust into her body, Stacy tried to pay attention. Her senses were being overwhelmed and it was hard to concentrate. Demetri felt so good inside of her. She loved the way he covered her body, the knowledge that all he had to do was squeeze and she could be dead.

Not because she wanted to die. She’d never have believed that she’d ever trust anyone with her life again. But here was Demetri. And no matter how much she didn’t like it, she did trust hi

m. Completely.

“But I do know about your job. I do know that your body is not always your own.” He grew rougher. “Do you think I like it knowing I have to let other men touch you?”

“What...What do you...oh, God!”

Demetri continued to thrust into her, and Stacy’s eyes closed. She bit down on her lip as hard as she could as her orgasm built until it threatened to rip her apart. Hell, Demetri’s thrusts were threatening to do that but she knew she’d beg him to continue if he tried to stop.

His voice was more of a growl than she’d ever heard before. “That I don’t want to rip them apart...”

“What are you saying?” she gasped out. “Oh God, don’t stop.”

He didn’t answer. He made a sound and she could feel his teeth sinking into her shoulder. He adjusted the hand on her throat until he could slip a finger between her lips. She eagerly sucked on it as he obeyed her and continued thrusting into her. When her orgasm hit, Stacy cried out around the digit. She felt him spill his load inside of her then collapse on top of her.

His hand left its position, and she wanted to whimper.

She wasn’t sure now was the time to ask the question she needed to. Not when her bones were now oatmeal and her muscles were threatening a mutiny. But it was something she had to do. She had to know. “What are you saying?”

Demetri shook his head against her. “You didn’t listen.”

“I did,” she whispered. “But I don’t understand.”

Lifting his head from her shoulder, he adjusted himself until his breath was blowing across her lips. “Nothing will change what’s between us. Not your contract, or your obligations. And I will never criticize you for your choices.”

Was he saying what she thought he was saying? No, of course not. To assume that would just be stupid. Wouldn’t it?

Aloud, she said, “I still don’t understand.”

“But you will. When the time is will.” He silenced any further questions with a kiss.

Chapter Eleven
