Page 8 of Kiss and Tell

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“What’s going through your mind, sweetheart?” And he really did want to know. That was another thing that surprised him—how much he did not want to simply pry into her mind.

“I was just wondering if I should get dressed,” Willow answered honestly.

Her answer confused him. Usually he was the one who was ready for the woman to leave. Never before had a woman wished to jump straight out of his bed like that. “Why?”

“So you can take me home.”

Looking down at her, he resisted the urge to sigh. He even managed to control the more difficult to resist temptation of probing her mind and seeing what was going on inside of her. He wasn’t ready for her to leave yet, but the decision to stay had to be hers. If she wished for him to take her home that night he would oblige her. Free will was a big deal with his people.

“Do you want me to take you home now?” He kept his tone gentle, as though he weren’t screaming inside for her to stay. Every part of him protested that he had not had nearly enough of her yet.

She lay there a moment, clearly thinking about his question and what answer she should give. After what felt like an eternity to him, she shook her head. “I’d like to stay here if you don’t mind.”

“Then it’s settled.” Leaning down, he claimed her mouth in a gentle kiss. “Get some rest, sweetheart. This is going to be a night filled with pleasure.”

“You, sir, are going to spoil me.” Willow stretched in front of him, reminding him of a feline, well satisfied with life.

An odd sensation settled in his stomach when Willow shifted, laying her head on his arm after he lowered it. Within moments, her regular breathing told him she was fast asleep.

He smiled as she snuggled closer to him, even in her sleep. The simple action let him know better than words could that she hadn’t had enough of him yet either.

A few hours later Seth woke her by stroking her body. He could tell by the amazed look on her face she wasn’t used to such an energetic lover.

Without meaning to, he heard her thoughts. He is definitely different from my previous lovers. She was purring in her thoughts.

He hadn’t intentionally eavesdropped on her thoughts, but that didn’t stop the wave of pride that washed over him at the praise and awe of her thoughts.

Wasting no time, he determined to live up to her admiration, and soon had her moaning and pleading

for him to fill her again.

As he continued to caress her body, Seth felt satisfaction in the knowledge that he stirred her lust so completely. Thrusting into her, he felt like a young man once again, as though he couldn’t get enough of her. Briefly he wondered if their coupling would be equally passionate many years into the future.

Before he could question where the unexpected thought came from, he felt Willow clenching around him, pushing his controls to the limit until he was ready to explode inside of her.

Rolling onto his side he gathered Willow into his arms, thankful he had decided to go to the bar that night.

Chapter Three

Willow stretched her body, lazily enjoying the wonderfully stiff and sore feeling. She prayed the previous night had been real and not just some wet dream.

A hand slid up her leg as she stretched, renewing her confidence that what she’d felt had indeed been real.

Cracking one eye open, she saw the hottie from the bar. Smiling, she opened both eyes fully. The room was somewhat dark from the curtains, but she could see him clearly, thanks to a nearby lamp he must have cut on.

“Good morning,” she said, her voice sounding like a purr even to her own ears.

Seth looked enticing in his snug black jeans and white shirt. His hair was still damp, and combed back from his face, letting her know he had showered while she slept.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

Nodding, Willow felt blood rush to her face as she remembered the things she had done the previous night. She began to chew on her lip.

“Ah, sweetheart, you do abuse that lip.” He leaned down and slid his thumb over her bottom lip before kissing her, sucking her lip into his mouth and soothing it by gliding his tongue across it.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned as she rose to meet him, kissing him back hungrily. His hand was wandering higher, up her thigh and hip to her waist. His fingers blazed a trail of molten desire everywhere they touched her bare flesh. They continued their trek to where the sheet was pulled high on her body, covering her breasts. She would have thought after the many orgasms she experienced the previous night, sex would be the last thing on her mind. She would have been wrong.

Pulling the sheet away from her, he let it fall to her waist. She watched his face while he stared at her. He appeared as though he couldn’t get enough of her, as if he were starving for another taste of her.
