Page 213 of Bad Seed

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I could feel my body rising as he pressed deeper into my clit. His hand slid from my stomach to my aching nipples, tugging at their peaks as I moaned. My juices were dripping between my legs and I could feel his thick streams of precum pouring into my body. He was about to explode, simply waiting for me to milk him dry and leave him wanting more as my pussy clamped around him.

And that was exactly what happened.

“Drake. Yes. Oh, don’t stop. Never stop. Please”

My body caved to him, giving him what he wanted as my breath left my lungs. He clung to me, his fingertips curving into my skin as I panted his name. He whispered his passion for me like a secretive prayer, coating my skin with promises of more and forever as he shook against me. I could feel his cock pulsing as his threads of cum danced within my body.

He buried his face into the crook of my neck, cloaking my body as he slid from between my legs. I rolled underneath him, his face finally coming into view as I smiled up at him. I raised my hand to cup his cheek and felt his day-old stubble against the palm of my hand.

There was something different in his eyes this time. Something weak and pleading.

“Mornin’ Delia,” Drake said.

“Good morning,” I replied.

He dipped his lips down to mine, capturing them in a tender kiss as his body sank between my liquid legs.

“Got any plans for your Sunday?” he asked.

“Not that I can think of. You gonna keep me captive?” I asked.

“Only if you want it.”

“Say I did. What would you have us doing today?”

“Figured I could take ya on a horseback ride. Saddle one of my horses up. We could go walkin’ through the woods.”

“Wouldn’t that hurt the baby? All that jostling around and stuff?” I asked.

I saw a look of confusion come over his face before he reached for his phone. He fell to his back as I rolled into him, sliding my leg over his hips. I perched my chin on his chest as he opened up his phone, trying to figure out if horseback riding was something I needed to refrain from. I watched his eyes dart around the screen before that telltale grin crossed his cheeks. Then he turned his phone toward me so I could see exactly what he was reading.

“Long as we aren’t jumpin’ around or doing tricks, looks like you should be good,” Drake said.

“Well, no preparing me for horse shows then. Bummer.”

“Come on. Let’s get you some breakfast, then we can get going. You ever been on a horse?”

“What kind of asinine question is that?” I asked.

“I don’t know. You city girls don’t get out much.”

“Did you just call me a city girl? After I mucked stalls, handed you tools, and ran after a calf that was headed for the woods?”

“Okay, maybe not a complete city girl. But you got some city girl in you.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with that,” I said, as I rolled over onto my back.

Drake came along with me, his lips tickling my neck as I giggled. He kissed me over and over, peppering my lips and my nose and my cheek with his warmth. I threw my arms around his neck, holding him close to me.

He captured my lips one last time, our tongues intertwining as I moaned into his skin.

“Nope,” Drake said hotly. “Nothin’ wrong with that at all.”



After loving on Delia one last time that morning, we rolled out of bed and got some breakfast. A quick bowl of cereal and banana, eaten side by side at the kitchen table. Delia brought up a good point about the jostling of her hips on a horse’s saddle, and although the internet said things would be okay, my brain was still whirling. I had two hundred acres of land for us to ride around on instead of us having to trek through the woods, so I altered the plans a bit and decided to take her on a tour of the outskirts of the farm. Show her around. Talk her through all the things Paul and I did on a regular basis.
