Page 229 of Bad Seed

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“It hurts so much,” I said, with a whimper.

I felt Drake press his lips to my ear as my head collapsed onto the bed. My body overrode my exhausted state as my legs shook with pain. It felt like every molecule in my being was being burned at the stake. I was trembling as my grip weakened against Drake’s hand as one last contraction wrapped around my body.

“Show everyone how strong you,” he said, with a whisper.

I flexed my feet, angled my hips, and roared into the room as I gave one last push. I felt relief course through my veins as people started to run around the room. I felt something slide from between my legs as Drake and the nurse set me back down onto the hospital bed. I heard chairs rolling around and machines being turned on. People were running around and Drake’s eyes were locked on something in the distance. Tears barreled down my cheeks as I waited for the sound. That glorious sound I’d been dreaming about for the last two months.

And as if the heavens above parted for only me, I heard it.

I heard the sound of my beautiful little infant.

“What is it?” Drake asked. “Is it a boy or a girl?”

“You guys don’t know already?” the nurse asked.

“I think it’s a girl,” I said breathlessly. “It’s a girl, right?”

“Sounds like momma’s got a strong intuition,” the nurse said. “Because you have a beautiful, healthy baby girl.”

I leaned my head against the pillow as the nurse lowered my daughter to my chest. I smoothed my hospital gown open and laid her directly onto my skin, cradling her closely as Drake looked down upon the two of us. I stared up into his eyes, tears of joy streaming down the sides of my face.

He bent down and kissed my forehead as more movement occurred underneath me. I felt blankets being moved and things being switched out. I felt someone cleaning me up and putting my legs down onto warm, fresh bedding. I cradled my daughter’s head as she nuzzled toward my breast, her mouth puckering for food as I lowered her to my nipple. I helped her to latch on, flipping her lip up so she could drink from my aching breasts.

“She’s a natural,” one of the nurses said. “But I’ll send in a lactation consultant just in case you have any questions.”

I felt Drake sit down beside us, his hand still cradling my head. I looked over at him, watching as a goofy smile trickled across his cheeks.

“My girls,” he said. “My healthy, beautiful girls.”

“What do you want to name her?” I asked. “We never did settle on a girl’s name.”

“I have now,” he said.

“Oh really?”

His eyes panned over to mine as he sighed. He leaned up and placed a kiss to my lips, warm and wet and soft to the touch. I knew what name he was going to pick. I recognized that look in his eye. Our foreheads connected as our daughter unlatched, then I shifted her to my other breast as I settled back into bed.

“I think Helena is a beautiful name,” I said.

“You don’t mind naming her that?” Drake asked.

“Nope. Your mother was a strong woman. A good woman. A woman who was steadfast and took care of those she loved. I think that’s a good legacy for our daughter.”

After Helena was done eating, I passed her over to Drake. His large hand tapped lightly against her back, trying to burp his newborn daughter as she fell asleep on his shoulder. Her cheek was smashed into his muscles and her lips were parted while she slept. Her back rose and fell with the small breaths she was taking, cradled against the strength of her father.

I saw the love Drake had for her in his eyes. I saw the moment he fell in love with her. Neither of us would ever be the same again. Not after this moment. That little girl already had this huge man wrapped around her newborn pinky finger, and as I watched Drake settle back in his chair my eyes began to flutter closed.

I fell into a deep contented sleep. I had a career I loved, a man I adored, and now, a perfect daughter that would get the best of both of us. Life had never been better.

The End



I turned to face him, and my eyes dropped to his lips. He was just inches away from me now, and my entire body was crying out for him.

Our kiss was hot and fast. The second our lips touched, his body reacted. He shoved me roughly against the elevator wall, holding me in place with strong hands. I’d been dreaming of this moment since he first picked me up that night. Seeing him in a tuxedo was almost too much for me to handle. I knew what was beneath those clothes, and I was desperate to get my hands on him.
