Page 54 of Bad Seed

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“What the fuck?”

Hollis’ voice caused Theresa to jerk, but I held her steadily against my body.

“Remember,” I said, whispering. “I’m not leaving you again. It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay.”

I could feel her shaking against me as my eyes panned over to Hollis.

“Could I see you outside for a second?” he asked, his jaw tight.

“No,” Theresa said.

My eyebrows hiked up to the edge of my hairline as I looked down into her face. She no longer had fearful eyes and trembling lips. The strength I knew she had buried deep within her shone through her eyes and the tight line of her mouth. She had her eyes trained on her brother, her body poised to fight. She was no longer weak against me but alert and ready for anything thrown her way.

“I need to talk with Grant,” Hollis said.

“Butt out,” Theresa said. “He’s not here to fight with you. He’s here to comfort me.”

A grin spread across my cheeks as my eyes darted back over to her brother. He was glaring at the both of us, his eyes whipping back and forth. He pushed off the doorframe and came into the room, his arms crossed over his chest. I knew he was pissed, and I didn’t give a shit about it. This wasn’t about him, or us, or Theresa and I, or some friendship, or some kiss. I was sitting with Theresa and making her promises I had to find a way to deliver on, and the last thing I needed was to bicker with her overbearing brother.

“Wanted to let you know that Ike won’t be getting out of jail,” Hollis said. “The judge he appeared before is a friend of Dad’s, and he promised he wouldn't set bail. He’ll sit there until his trial.”

“Good,” Theresa said. “He doesn’t deserve to see the light of day.”

The strength in her voice brought a smile to my face. The feisty girl that first emerged when their father had kicked me out all those years ago was back. And I would never let her be buried again.

“Yep. But don’t think we’re not talking about this,” Hollis said.

He pointed his finger at me as Theresa leaned back into my body.

“Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us,” Theresa said. “Because this weekend, he’s mine. Not yours.”

I would’ve kissed that woman right there on her lips if I wasn’t too busy trying to stifle the laughter bubbling up my throat. The look on Hollis’ face was priceless, and he turned around and stormed out of the room. I leaned back into the support of the hospital bed and gathered Theresa close to me, then felt her heave a heavy sigh.

“Try to get some rest,” I said. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”

“I know,” she said. “I know you will be.”

And my heart soared with pride at knowing she could trust me.



I tried to smile, but my head was pounding. I didn’t want to be in the hospital. I wanted to be home. Or in a hotel. Or somewhere with just Grant and I. Being in this hospital room made me a sitting duck for whatever anger was going to come from Hollis. And I knew it would come. I knew how my brother worked. He was probably on the phone with my father telling him what he saw, which meant I could expect to incur the wrath of them both.

I hoped they would let me recover a bit first before bombarding me with their unwanted opinions. I almost felt sorry for Grant, but I knew he could, and would, handle himself. He’d told me the night before that even though Hollis was his oldest and best friend, he wasn’t giving me up, even if it meant that friendship was over.

Waking up in Grant’s arms had been the most amazing feeling. I drew in a deep breath before I winced at the pain in my head. Grant’s fingertips started stroking my hair again, and it almost sent me back into a slumber.


“Just coming to check some vitals,” someone said.

I felt my IV tube moving.

“When can I go home?” I asked.

My eyes finally peeled themselves open to see the nurse looking quizzically at me.
