Page 89 of Bad Seed

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Our bodies collapsed to the bed, and he shook on top of me. His cock emptied into my body, filling me with threads of cum that shot from his tip. I held onto him. Clung to him. Bit into his shoulder and whimpered as another orgasm crashed back over my body. I couldn't get him close enough. Couldn’t have him deep enough. My pussy milked his dick until nothing was left but his brow dripping into the crook of my neck and my hands digging into his back.

“I love you,” I said in a whisper, pressing kisses into his shoulder.

“I love you too, Theresa.”

“I love you,” I said as I kissed his cheek. “I love you,” I said as I kissed his nose. “I love you,” I said as I kissed his lips.

I repeated the phrase until I’d filled every space of his body. Every divot of his sculpted muscles and every crevice of his chiseled form. I repeated the phrase until his body was quivering, his lip trembling with the need for me. I said it as I wrapped my lips around his cock and sucked him until he was throbbing against my teeth. I repeated it as he took me from behind, pressing me against the glass of his private balcony doors. I repeated it as I came around his dick two more times that night with nothing but the sound of his growl in my ear.

And I said it as I lay there in bed, tangled in the sheets, my cheek pressed to his heart. I knew that I was finally home.



As I drove Theresa around the next day to take in the sights of Boston, I kept a close eye on my phone. Every time it lit up with a text message, I tried to hide it from her. I held her hand and walked around the town that had embraced me when no one else would, and I showed her all my favorite spots. The bar I frequented. The corner I sat on with Matt whenever I needed to clear my head from work. I drove by a couple of our latest project and talked Theresa through some of the basics of what my company did. Mostly shit that made people want to snooze.

But not Theresa.

She was full of questions.

“Why is the corner of the house angled like that?”

“Why put up a support beam if you don’t need it?”

“What is shiplap?”

“Why not make it a double-car garage instead of doing two single-car ones?”

I enjoyed answering every single question, but I was ready to get back to the house. I had a massive surprise for her, and it was ready. Theresa wanted to pull over and slip into a boutique she thought was cute, and I ended up buying her a dress that looked fabulous on her. She complained it was too much money to spend on something like that, but a summer dress that looked that phenomenal over her curves would never be too expensive for my wallet. She changed into it right then and there, and I couldn’t believe how perfect it was for the moment we were about to walk into.

It was white and pale pink, with streaks of light yellow painted throughout the freeform design.

I drove us up to the house, and I was relieved when I saw no cars in the driveway. That meant everyone had listened to me. I threaded my fingers through Theresa’s and ushered her into the house, and we didn’t even get down the hallway before everyone jumped out.


Theresa screamed before she started laughing hysterically. Jane ran up and hugged her tightly before Hollis followed suit. Glen was there and ope

ned his arms to her as her eyes filled with tears. They were holding glasses of champagne I hoped everyone would toast after what I did. They kept Theresa occupied as I stuck my hand into my pocket, pulled out the small box, and got down on one knee.

And when she turned around, her joyful laughter turned into silent shock.

I opened the small ring box and revealed the dazzling ring I’d seen in the shop window the day I first traveled back to Boston without her. I passed by the shop window, and the colors of the ring caught my eye, but the moment I gazed upon it I was ripped back to our first encounter with one another. In her apartment. Against her wall. Rocking against her sweet body the way I’d wanted to feel for years. We fell asleep on the floor, and I woke up with her head on my chest, and I knew, then and there, that she was the only woman for me. The only woman I’d ever love, and the only woman I could ever dream of sharing my life with.

I held up the sparkling yellow diamond to her as pink gems lining the rose gold band glistened.

“Theresa, you are—without a shadow of a doubt—the most confusing woman I have ever met.”

The room trickled with laughter as a teary smile slid across her cheeks.

“You are spontaneous and reckless. You zag before you zig, and you leave me constantly guessing as to what you’re going to do next. One minute you’re upset, and the next minute you’re in my arms, and there’s never a moment where I’ve ever thought I had you all figured out. Except one.”

I plucked the ring from the box and stood up, taking her left hand in mine.

“When I walked into that apartment after talking to your landlord, I could feel your panic. Our hearts were connected, and I knew exactly what had happened. And even before I tracked you down, I had some sense of where to go. And when I barreled into that warehouse and saw him hovering over you—”

I took a deep breath as I watched a tear rush down Theresa’s cheek.
