Page 94 of Bad Seed

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It’s not over! I love my readers so much that I’ve included a brand new, never before published steamy romance: Accidental Daddy

Check it out on the next page…

Kara Boyer

Kara spends her days and nights caring for a drunk father. She dreams of breaking free but instead of living her dream she’s hurled into a nightmare when her father mysteriously disappears leaving his problems and the debt behind.

His problems become Kara’s and they literally come knocking on her door.

The Irish mafia can't find her father.

They’ll take her instead.

Declan O'Shea

Declan’s ex shows up unannounced and drops off a surprise baby at his door step.

He needs to care for his son and is forced to go to his brother for help.

The man wants to pull Declan back into the family drug ring he left long ago.

Declan dreadfully agrees to one job - little does he know the job requires kidnapping an innocent girl.

He has no desire to hurt her, and instead wants to help her. He needs to find a way to protect both Kara and his baby boy.

It will take a miracle – but he will walk through hell trying.





“Bloody good fight man,” Seth said as he high-fived me.

“Bloody is right,” I said.

I grabbed a towel that sat on a stool nearby and wiped down my face. The white towel came back with dark crimson smears.

“Bastard almost got me,” I said.

“Almost,” Seth said. “But he didn't.”


h was my best friend – or as close to a best friend as I'd ever had. He was also my manager, if you could call it that. Booking fights, getting my name out there, all that jazz – Seth took care of that end of things for me. He had a day job too, but we both kept working hard and hoping my fighting skills would eventually lead to a big paycheck for both of us one day.

“Nah, but he put up a good fight. Better than I thought he would,” I said.

I grabbed a bottle of water, yanked the top off and guzzled it down. I reveled in the cool refreshing feel of the water as it slid down my throat. I was going to need something a little stronger soon though. Something like a good whiskey, if for no other reason, then to numb the pain in my face.

As I lowered the bottle, my eyes fell on the big guy behind the bar. Tommy Jenkins was a big man with arms large and corded with enough muscle that he could probably bench press everyone there. But, he never stepped foot in the ring. Nah, he stayed behind the scenes, coordinating things and making money without having to take a beating to do it. Smart man. He was staring at the ring, along with everyone else in the bar, as two new fighters hopped in took my place.

“Come on,” Seth said. “Let's get paid, then let's get shitfaced.”

Tommy pulled out an envelope as we walked up and handed it over to Seth. My pseudo-manager counted it out on the bar. The bartender's eyes narrowed as my friend, who was barely a third of Tommy's size, finished his tally and shook his head.
