Page 94 of No Wind of Blame

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‘It did,’ said Hemingway. ‘I found it under some leaves, several feet from the sapling. White couldn’t risk hanging about to hunt for it. I dare say he didn’t even think it was so very necessary, either. Even if we did start hunting around, it wouldn’t convey much to us. I’m bound to say it didn’t.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Who has charge of shot-firers, and the like? A storekeeper? Know who he is, and where he lives?’

‘I can find out for you in less than no time,’ said Cook.

‘Thanks, if you’d do that, and let Wake know, he can go off and put in a bit of work interviewing the fellow,’ said Hemingway. ‘Not but what we’ve got enough on White, without that, to justify my applying for a warrant to arrest him. Still, we must tie up every end, if we can.’

Rather more than an hour later his Sergeant returned to him, in a mood of quiet triumph. ‘We’ve tied the last end, sir,’ he announced. ‘They had one of the shot-firers repaired last week, and it came back from the repair-shop last thing on Saturday morning, after the storekeeper had gone off duty. He told me Mr White was the last off the premises, and that he’d put the shot-firer away somewhere in his office. Said he was sure of that, because White was a bit late on Monday morning, and the shot-firer couldn’t be found.’

‘And then White turned up, and said it was in his office?’

‘That’s right, sir. Turned up with a biggish sort of attaché-case, went straight into his office, and brought the shot-firer out. I reckon that settles it. You ought to feel proud of the way you’ve handled this case, sir. I know I would be. Because at one time it really did seem as though there wasn’t what you’d call a good reason for suspecting anybody.’

The Inspector was secretly gratified by this tribute, but he replied with a mournful shake of his head: ‘Yes, but there’s always something to take the edge off for one. When I think about that silly widow sticking to it against all reason it was White that killed her husband, and being proved right, it quite makes me lose heart. And when I think of the way she’ll pat herself on the back—! Well, there! it doesn’t bear thinking of, and that’s all that there is to it. She’s probably telling her family how her instinct shows her it must have been White, right at this moment.’

But, as it happened, Wally’s murder was not just then paramount in Ermyntrude’s mind. Her daughter’s engagement had cast every other consideration into the background. It was, she said, the most delightful surprise of her life, and made up for everything. ‘I couldn’t have wished for better!’ she told Mary. ‘Of course, I don’t say I haven’t thought of an Earl, or at any rate a Viscount for her, but you can’t absolutely bank on getting a peer, can you, dearie? And the Derings are county: there’s no getting away from that! What’s more, he’s very nice, Hugh is, and not a bit up-stage with me, like an Earl might be. Fancy, though! I’d quite made up my mind it was you he was after! Well, I must say, you could have knocked me down with a feather! It’s to be hoped I don’t get any more shocks today, for really the excitement of this has made me feel quite exhausted!’

She was to have yet another. Shortly after dinner Dr Chester was announced, and came into the drawing-room looking rather grim.

‘Well, and what little bird can have told you the news?’ exclaimed Ermyntrude. ‘If it isn’t like you, Maurice, to be the first to come and congratulate. Well, I do think it’s sweet of you!’

‘Congratulate?’ he repeated. ‘What news are you talking about?’

‘But, Maurice! Vicky and Hugh!’ Ermyntrude said.

His brow seemed to lighten. ‘Vicky and Hugh! No, really? Yes, of course I congratulate you both, most heartily!’

Hugh, who had stayed to dine at Palings, shook hands with him. ‘Thanks. But I think you’ve got some rather different news, haven’t you?’

‘You know, then?’ Chester said.

‘No. I’ve an inkling, though, since I encountered Inspector Hemingway this afternoon.’

‘They’ve arrested White,’ Chester said.

‘Arrested White?’ Mary gasped. ‘But why? On what conceivable grounds?’

‘I don’t know. Alan rang me up to come and attend to Janet, who was in hysterics. I came straight on here, to let you know.’

‘I knew it!’ Ermyntrude said, fulfilling the Inspector’s prophecy. ‘All along I said it was that White, though not one of you would listen to me! A woman’s instinct is never wrong!’

‘Oh, how awful for Janet and Alan!’ Mary said. ‘Is there anything we can do?’

‘Not at the moment. I’ve given Janet a sedative, and told Alan not to let her get agitated. I hope—’

Ermyntrude arose suddenly from the sofa. ‘Told Alan!’ she said scornfully. ‘Yes, I see him keeping himself quiet, let alone anyone else! The idea of your leaving the poor girl with only Alan and that blowsy, good-for-nothing maid of theirs! Well, I thought you’d have more sense, Maurice, I must say! Why didn’t you bundle her into your car, and bring her straight up here, and that silly, feckless brother of hers as well, for heaven knows what he mayn’t do, left to himself !’

‘Bring them here?’ repeated Chester, for once in his life startled.

‘Where else are they to go?’ demanded Ermyntrude. ‘It seems to me you men never think of anything! Why, there’ll be reporters swarming all over the Dower House by tomorrow, if not before! Enough to drive Janet out of her mind, for she hasn’t any sense at the best of times. Vicky, love, go and ring up Johnson, and tell him to bring the big car round at once, will you?’

‘But, Ermyntrude, wait!’ said Chester. ‘Are you quite sure you know what you’re doing? The situation’s rather difficult, isn’t it? If White killed Wally—’

‘Now, don’t stand there talking far-fetched nonsense to me, Maurice!’ said Ermyntrude. ‘I never yet found any difficulty in doing my duty as a Christian, and I hope I never shall! What’s more, I’m a mother, and leave even a tiresome, chattering girl like Janet alone at such a time I tell you plainly I couldn’t reconcile it with my conscience to do! Now, that’s quite enough arguing! Mary, you’ll see to the bedrooms, won’t you, dearie?’

‘Yes, Aunt Ermy,’ said Mary, meekly following her into the hall.

Ermyntrude sailed upstairs to put on a wrap for the journey to the Dower House, but Mary was overtaken, with her hand already on the baluster-rail, by Dr Chester. He put his hand over hers, and clasped it. ‘Mary, that engagement!’

She found herself unable to meet his eyes. ‘Yes, were you surprised? I was the only person who knew it was blowing up.’
