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I go into the kitchen to see if Momma needs any help. She’s wipin’ the counter tops down as the dishwasher runs through the rinse cycle. When she catches a glimpse of me from the corner of her eye she folds the rag neatly, placing it on the center of the sink. “That’s a smile I hope to never see vanish from your face, son.” Her smile reaches her eyes as she pulls me into a hug. “I’m so proud of you for learnin’ to forgive and lettin’ go of the past, Colton.”

“Momma, I love her more than the world. It hurt so damn bad, felt like my heart had been pierced with a double edged sword; but it’s the same pain I inflicted on her at one time. It was only right to let it go, and move on.” I shrug snappin’ the lid on a bottle of water and pullin’ back a drink. “We’ve both had enough upsets and heartache in our lives. I just wanna love her til’ her last breath, and give her the life and love she deserves.”

She sweeps the floors as we talk, payin’ careful attention to every nook and crevice in the ceramic tile floors. Holdin’ the broom under her chin, she smiles up at me and says, “Heartache sometimes offers the best lessons learned, son.” I smirk back at her because truer words have never been spoken.

“Kitchen’s all cleaned. I’m gonna get on home now, so I can feed your dad when he comes draggin’ in. Would you like for me to take Heidi Jo home, or is she stayin’ with you tonight?”

I rub my hand roughly across my chin, the five o’clock shadow scratchin’ my calloused fingers. “She can stay with you tonight, but things will be changin’ soon. But I’ll talk with ya later ‘bout it once I figure everything out.”

“Okay, son. Let me go round up the little scutter and I’ll get outta ya hair.” She traipses off into the living room to find Heidi Jo. After passin’ around hugs they say their goodbyes. The celebration dwindles down quickly, as Savannah and her kids leave soon after and Luke follows right on their heels.

“Did you have a good evenin’, darlin’?” I ask, pullin’ her close to me, grippin’ her hips.

“I did, but I’m exhausted and can’t wait to take a hot shower and crawl into bed. Do you wanna stay here tonight, or stay at your house?” She asks, nestlin’ her head into my chest. I grip her ass in the palm of my hand, squeezin’ it firmly whisperin’ against her hair.

“Let’s go home, darlin’.”

She glances up at me and a wicked grin meets her hazel eyes. She knows the look of hunger that dances in my eyes. She quickly grabs her things as I turn off the lights before we head home. The ride home is quiet, yet comfortable. The anticipation between us slowly buildin’. It’s been over four months since I’ve touched her, since we’ve made love. But Hell’s fire and brimstone won’t stop a damn thing tonight.

When we pull into the driveway I shut the engine off, then quickly make my way around the passenger side of the Tahoe before she can get out. Openin’ the door, I lock her fingers in mine and pull her behind me up the sidewalk. The door’s already unlocked and the moment our feet cross the threshold I crash into her like a wreckin’ ball. I lift her up into my arms, her legs wrappin’ around me instinctively as I harshly back her up against the wall. Pictures fall from the walls and bust against the floor. With one swift tear, I shred her shirt down the center and my mouth finds the swell of her breast instantly. Strippin’ the bra straps down her slender shoulders, I pull her breast one by one from the cups, shovin’ the bra out of my path. I’m a starved, desperate man and it’s been too many nights without this woman in my arms, without my dick sunk balls deep in her.

Trailin’ rough, wet kisses up her chest to her neck and jaw, she grasps my face in her hands and pulls me into a deep, fierce kiss. She’s as starved for my touch as I am for hers. Grippin’ her ass firmly in my hands, I stumble through the darkness devourin’ her lips, tongue and mouth like my life depends on the breath she will breathe into me. I trip over a damn toy crashin’ into the coffee table as the new lamp shatters to the floor and she giggles against my lips.

I kick the bedroom door open and crawl up on the bed with her still wrapped firmly around my waist. Layin’ her back, I unsnap her jeans and strip them down her legs. My mouth runs dry and my cock tightens against my jeans at the sight of her in tiny, pink lacey thongs. Hot damn. My dick is gonna suffocate if I don’t let it loose soon. I rip the lace away, lickin’ my dry lips at such a beautifully, sexy sight. Sittin’ up, she slides her hands up my chest and slips my shirt over my head before unbuttonin’ my pants. I kick my feet out of my jeans and she proceeds to pullin’ my boxer briefs down my thighs, releasin’ my hardened dick. A devious smile spreads across her face, but before she can react I push her back and line my body against hers.

“You can play later, darlin’. It’s been too damn long since I’ve felt you come around my cock. I’m gonna ravage every inch of your body and ease that ache in your sweet pussy.” I smirk.

Crashin’ my lips against hers, a heated fervor and intense desire consumes me and it takes every ounce of control I have to not take her fast and hard. I mark every delicate inch of her body with nips and bites. My teeth nip at her thick, soft thigh before trailin’ my tongue softly up her slit, moisture coatin’ my lips with her arousal. “Please,” she mutters, fistin’ my hair in her hands, her body tremblin’ beneath me. She can beg all night long; I ain’t givin’ in until she’s fully sated and left breathless by my touch.

I smack her pussy, then lock my lips ‘round her clit, suckin’ roughly. She flinches, surprised by my roughness, but when I softly circle my tongue around her clit and slip two fingers into her wet pussy she relaxes and wraps her legs around my neck, pullin’ me closer to her sex. She shudders beneath me in excitement, small moans slippin’ past her lips as I swirl my tongue around her clit. I flick

my tongue softly, gently massagin’ her sex when her back arches up off the bed and she clamps down hard on my fingers. Screw this shit. My cock throbs and my balls tighten with each moan that falls from her lips.

Sittin’ up on the edge of the bed, I pull her into my lap, turnin’ her back to my chest. I tangle her hair in my hands, nippin’ at her ear, and suckin’ her delicate flesh softly. “You ready, darlin’?” I whisper against her neck.

“Mmmm,” is her only response as she grips my thighs, wigglin’ her ass into my throbbin’ dick. Raisin’ her ass up, I lean back and slide my cock across her slit one time, earnin’ myself a low whimper from her tantalizing mouth. With her hair still tangled in my hand I tug her head back to watch her expression as I thrust every solid inch of my cock into her soft, slick pussy. Her eyes roll back and she moans passionately, her nails piercin’ into my thighs, breakin’ the skin. I wrap my arms around her tightly, graspin’ her breasts and twistin’ her nipple between my finger and thumb as I pound into her from behind. I slide my right hand down between her delicate thighs, findin’ her wet clit and flick it with my finger before trailin’ circles around it softly. Ecstasy and excitement rush through my veins and she meets me thrust for thrust, milkin’ my cock. Hot damn! I bite down on her shoulder as my balls draw tight and her pussy clamps down on my dick. I hold her tight against my chest and her head lulls back, her eyes flutter shut as my cock throbs, spillin’ every ounce of my release into her. The spiral downfall claims us together. Her back glistens with sweat as she drags in ragged breaths, drunk on her orgasm.

When I catch my breath, I release her from my grip. She stands on wobbly legs, her eyes hooded and glazed over with lust. I pull her against my chest and kiss her feverishly before pullin’ her into the bathroom. I turn the shower on and test the water before steppin’ in with her still tucked against my chest. She drags her nails lazily across my back as her breathin’ calms.

“Damn it felt so good to be inside of you again.” I kiss her forehead before restin’ my chin on her head. I hold her close, lettin’ the warm water cascade around us. She’s quiet but seems content. I caress my hands up and down her body allowin’ my mind to memorize every curve that I’ve missed for far too long. When my hands glide across her abdomen, my face lights up at her small rounded belly. The pride and excitement that I felt today seein’ our little monkey for the first time swells my heart.

Heidi Jo came into my life when I needed to understand the meaning of true, unconditional love. Everything happens for a reason and I believe with every fiber of my being that our little monkey will be a blessin’ to our family that will completely bind Carly Jo and me together. I can’t imagine not havin’ my family by my side and although I nearly let it all go I’m thankful that I had enough sense to forgive her.

I wash quickly, gettin’ out of the shower before Carly Jo. It takes her a good while to wash her hair, so I dry off and get dressed before I place her pajamas on the sink in the bathroom for her. I straighten up the bed and light the candles around the room. As I hear the shower shut off, I wait impatiently as she gets dressed.

When the bathroom light shuts off and the door creaks open I press play on my iPod and “Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith filters softly from the speakers. I kneel beside the bed just as she enters the bedroom. She looks around to the flickerin’ candles to the bouquet of soft pink tulips on the nightstand. When her eyes finally lock on mine, her hand flies up to grasp her mouth and her eyes instantly fill with tears.

“Baby?” She whispers, barely shufflin’ her feet towards me.

“Darlin’, I can’t go on another day without you bein’ completely mine. There is no doubt in my mind that God made you from a part of me. That’s why when you’re not within my reach I feel so incomplete and empty. I need you like I need air to breathe, Carly Jo.” I inhale a slow breath, and my heart skips through my chest. “Will you marry me, darlin?”

I shuffle my feet toward him slowly. Just as my knees hit the floor, mere inches from his face, he pops the question that stops my heart.

The world stands still.

My lungs immediately draw tight as I fight for oxygen and my heart thunders loudly in my chest.

“Darlin’, I don’t wanna miss another second of you in my life. I want to make you my wife so that when the baby comes, our family will be complete.” He sets the ring box down on the floor, taking my face into his hands. Stunned doesn’t even begin to describe the emotions that I feel. “Say somethin’, baby. Please.”
