Page 27 of Possessive Neighbor

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Letting go of my hips, Reed digs his hands through my hair, pulling me closer and holding me tightly. “You return it when you mean it. When you’re ready. I just need you to know where I stand. I want you, this baby, many fucking more babies afterwards, and definitely marriage. I want everything with you, and then I want it all again. For eternity.”

“Whoa,” I exhale. The conviction in his words has my entire body ready to hand over to him everything he’s asking for and more.



After making love on the couch again, Reed finally hauled us both into a shower before driving us to the mall to shop for baby furniture. We’ve been to three stores now, and I’m still not finding that perfect fit.

The trouble is I’m not even sure what I want. I love the rustic older style, with the whitewash, but then I remember she’s only a baby and won’t care.

“Does it really matter what we get? She won’t remember anyways.” Staring around the spacious store, I begin to feel like the walls are closing in.

“Pretty girl.” Reed’s soothing voice pulls me out of my hysteria, and he sits me down on a sofa before kneeling in front of me. “We do not have to buy anything today. We can wait until you find the perfect set.”

“Hi, there!” A perky salesclerk greets us with a friendly smile. “Can I help you find something?”

Reed looks up at her, and for a minute, my insecurity hits as I wonder if he thinks she’s pretty, then I recall his words from this morning, and I’m settled.

“Baby furniture,” he answers as he stands, helping me to my feet again as well.

Her smile widens further as she looks between us before her gaze lands on my modest stomach bump that is now highlighted by the form-fitting dress Reed asked me to where.

“Congratulations! We have a wonderful selection of sets from contemporary to rustic to vintage. Did you have a style in mind?”

I’m not sure, but she seems genuine, and that gives me the confidence to explain what I’m looking for. She bounces on her feet before I’m finished speaking. “We just got in the cutest rustic/vintage crossover set that I think will be perfect for you.”

Following the woman, Reed whispers in my ear, “I think she had a little too much coffee this morning.” I nod and giggle because he’s right. She is exceedingly happy, but I think that’s why I like her.

“What do you think?” The clerk steps out of the way, and I'm in awe.

“That’s perfect.” With a gracefully arched headboard and delicately carved molding design along the railings and legs, I’m in love. It’s more charcoal grey than the white I wanted, but it’s everything I desired.

“It’s a four-in-one as well, so crib to toddler bed, then a single day bed, and finally, a double bed. It’s the perfect structure and craftsmanship to carry your child or children through many years of use.” She points out the matching dresser and change table as well, and I just know this is the one for our little girl.

I pause at the thought.

It’s the first time I’ve thought of her as ours instead of mine, and I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.

Reed was right. When I was ready, my mindset would shift naturally. I can’t contain my glee as she helps out with the accessories to convert the bed as our daughter grows and even shows us the storage options for under the crib.

After buying all the matching pieces to fill out the set, she hands me a card for a baby store to get room décor, bedding, and everything else we may need.

With a heartfelt thanks, we’re off and expecting a delivery of the furniture the next day. The way Reed has been watching me through all this makes me feel like a queen. He’s certain to make sure I’m comfortable and content as we carry on shopping and grab a bite for lunch.

By the time we’re on our way home, with a quick stop at the gas station, I’m ready for a much-needed nap. “I’ll come in with you,” I tell Reed as he gets out. Raising an eyebrow at my request, I explain, “I’m thirsty.”

“I can get it.” He smirks.

“I don’t know what I want.” Which is typical for me nowadays.

Walking into the store hand in hand, Reed stands in line while I wander back to the coolers. Passing another mom with a sleeping toddler in a stroller and an older child standing next to her, I smile and glance up to see Reed regarding me. I’m sure he’s imagining the same thing I am.

Our family.

My gaze shifts to the cashier, and I frown. He’s tense, agitated as he deals with the customer at the register. Reed turns just in time for the stranger to pull out a gun and shoot behind the teller’s head, missing him by inches.

The loud bang wakes the sleeping baby and has the young child screaming and clinging to his mothers’ leg. Reed instantly jumps in action as he yells at everyone to get down. Seeing the mother frantically trying to remove the baby from the stroller around her other terrified child, I pull the little boy off her leg and into my chest as we lay on the floor. A second later, the woman's laying in front of me, the baby to her chest, and a hand on her other child’s head in comfort.
