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The deep ache.

The burning secrets.

“Why do you look like you have a secret—”

“Oh, doesn’t this look fun.”

We jerked our heads to the side.


Grayson thrust me behind his body, shielding me, one arm holding me protectively against his back. I did the best I could to pull my torn dress together.

“You really have a fucking death wish, don’t you?”

West laughed. “I was about to ask you the same thing.”

Two burly men in black suits came into the room and I felt a flicker of hope. Grayson’s guards were here. They wouldn’t let anything happen to him.

Grayson turned to me. “Everything will be all right.” My heart flew out of my throat at his calm, soothing tone and the stone in his eyes.

It happened in slow motion, like I was slipping under water, watching the clouds move above me. The first guard wrapped his meaty hand around Grayson and then the second did the same. Grayson fought their hold a little, not trying to get away, but just so he could turn and look back at me.

And then Grayson was ripped away—no, dragged away. I blinked, coming out from the ocean, and it stung like the salty water too.

Time was torn from us again and I realized how foolish we’d been with it. I hadn’t told Grayson anything.

West knows. West knows about the coin. He knows so much more than we do.

“Grayson, West—” No sooner had I started than West yanked me back with such force it stole my breath.

“Stay quiet, Angel.” West gritted through closed teeth. He fisted the fabric of my dress closed, until it was so tight on my body, I couldn’t breathe.

Grayson was dragged farther from me, but if he was afraid, he didn’t show it. He looked bothered.


“So this is where you disappeared to.”

Tansy Crowne came into the room, at her back, Arthur du Lac. I never thought I’d feel a flicker of hope at Tansy Crowne’s voice, but I knew above anything else she would not stand for this. Then, the unthinkable happened.

Grayson’s guards thrust him to his knees.

I forgot to breathe.

You don’t assault a Crowne, you don’t hold a Crowne to his knees, and you especially don’t do this inside of Crowne Hall.

Yet everyone just watched…and Grayson, he didn’t seem surprised at all.


My eyes darted from one person to the next.

“Did you see what they were up to?” Arthur asked, eagerness positively dripping from his tongue.

West stared at us. “They were just talking.”
