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“Okay,” Zoe said, her tone betraying her hesitation. I handed her my laptop, but Zoe shook her head. “I don’t need your laptop. I just need your email address and password.”

Zoe wrote down the information and went into her computer room. Ten minutes later, Zoe came back out.


“That’s it?” I asked incredulously.

Zoe nodded. “It’s a pretty simple process. I can show you how to do it.”

“Yeah, okay, but not today. I’m about ready to fall asleep.”

“Okay, just tell me when. It only takes like ten minutes to learn. It’s just a setting on your email service.”

I nodded. “Thank you so much.”

As I got up to leave, Zoe took my arm.

“If you need anything, please come to me,” Zoe said, all hint of earlier sarcasm gone.

I hugged her. I hadn’t hugged anyone in over a decade, since before my mom died. It felt strange, awkward, vulnerable, but really, really, necessary.

“Thank you,” I said again.

Zoe walked me out into the hallway. The lights were flickering and casting long shadows on the walls. In all the emotion, I didn’t notice a man walking up to us.

“What are you girls up to?”

I jumped so high someone may as well have placed fire under my butt. Nerves, I tell you. When someone is actively stalking you, your nerves only exist to alert you of threats. Even if the threats don’t exist.

I looked to see who had spoken and what did I see? Vic’s cocky, smiling face. I glowered. Zoe looked at me, unsure if she should say anything.

“Ex-boyfriend trauma,” I said as a way of explanation.

Vic nodded as if he knew exactly what I was talking about then continued down the hall, an amused expression still on his face.

“That was odd,” Zoe remarked. “That’s the first time Vic has said anything to me except for when my sink explodes.”

I pursed my lips, deciding not to tell Zoe that Vic and I had danced together . . . among other things. It felt too intimate to share as if it was idle gossip.

“Nox?” Zoe started at me. “What are you thinking?”

“Nothing. Just . . . everything. I’m really tired. Thanks again for your help. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Zoe said, waving me off. “It’s not like I hacked the N.S.A. or anything.”

I smiled weakly. “I’m going to head back to my apartment now.”

Zoe nodded and, with one more quick hug, she went back inside.

Okay, I didn’t need a drink, but I wanted one. Call me impulsive (everyone else does), but having to block my ex-boyfriend’s terrifying and threatening emails put me a little on edge. Having to ask my friend to do it, well, that just threw me over the edge. Making my way back to my apartment, a drink was all I could think about.

I wasn’t going for anything hard, just a little wine to soothe my frayed nerves. I wanted to chill out with a glass of wine and watch some mind-numbing TV. Maybe the alcohol would let me sleep without nightmares. Maybe.

I poured a glass of wine, turned on the TV, and relaxed as Netflix slashed across the screen. Perhaps things were going to start looking up for me.

I woke up screaming. Full-on, Friday the 13th type of screaming. I may as well have seen Freddy Krueger in my dreams, that’s how loud I was screaming. Well, I basically did see Freddy in my nightmares: Dean.

Rigidly, I sat up in my bed as remnants of my nightmare danced in the shadows. I was sweating cold, vicious sweats while trying to tell my brain that Dean wasn’t in my apartment. All of his emails were starting to get to me.
