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I bit on my thumbnail. As far as I knew, Vic’s wife was still downstairs.

Vic paused on a colorful looking sleeve, but I couldn’t see which artist it was. “I love you, Lenny,” he said. His back was to me.

“I love you, Vic,” I said.

Why do I have the feeling that we were saying goodbye?

Vic’s wife is staying with us. Yep, you heard me correctly: she’s staying with us. Apparently, hotels are too good for her. That, or I’ve died and gone to hell. Something along those lines. I didn’t really get the specifics.

“I don’t understand. Why is she staying here?” I asked Vic when he sprung the news on me.

“It’s only for two days. One day, actually. Her flight leaves early tomorrow morning,” Vic said casually.

“That doesn’t answer my question,” I folded my arms, refusing to give up.

I admit Vic and I have an unusual relationship, but his wife staying with us was weird even for us. Vic had yet to offer a real explanation for why she had to stay. It wasn’t like they were friends. Every time they were in the same room, the temperature dropped ten degrees.

Alice is a grade-A bitch. If, and I stress if, she chose to acknowledge my existence, it was only with disdain.

I was sitting at the kitchen bar eating Fruit Loops when Alice walked in. She was dressed to the nines, looking like she had just finished curing world hunger or causing it. It could go either way with her.

She gave me a vinegar smile and pulled an assortment of vegetables out of the crisper.

I eyed her warily and continued eating my cereal.

“That’s adorable,” she said.

I raised my eyebrow. “What?”

“You eating cereal. I can see why Vic likes you. You keep him young,” Alice winked at me and turned away, clicking the stove on.

I frowned. I was unsure of what she’d just said to me. I keep him young? Eating cereal is adorable? I felt insulted and yet she hadn’t said anything pejorative. The chick was diabolical.

I quickly finished and put my bowl in the dishwasher. Taking the steps two at a time, I went to my safe haven: Vic’s vinyl room. I turned on some mellow, mind-numbing music and I let my brain curl around everything that had happened.

Alice had called me young. I suppose I am. I’m only in my twenties. I don’t feel young. I feel like I’ve been through a war. I’ve seen some shit; more than most people see in their lifetime: Chronic mental illness. Suicide. Murder. I would be fine coasting from here on out. I’m good with normal things. I hear Pinterest is pretty cool. I’m totally fine pinning things for the rest of my life. Maybe I’ll take a break to update my status. Yep, that sounds totally fine to me. No more sickness or death, just social media and Pinterest from here on out!

Alice’s stupid remark made me realize something, though

. I didn’t know Vic’s age. He looks like he’s only mid-twenties, but that’s Asian genes for ya. He could be forty. I suppose it’s not important. Society has deemed it only weird when a woman dates someone younger. So we’re good.

There was a knock on the door and I jumped slightly. I’m still wrapping my brain around the fact that Dean is dead and is no longer trying to rape/kill me.

“Lenny?” Vic peeked his head in the room slightly. He might not have given me a good reason for his wife’s sojourn, but at least he had the common decency to act like he felt bad about it.

“Yeah?” I didn’t turn around to see him. I wasn’t mad at him, but I was tired. There was a rift growing between us made by Dean Erosion, Wife Bombs, and Top-Secret Weathering. I was too tired right now to erect a bridge and get back to him.

Alice and Vic had had a brief affair and decided to get married. It had seemed like a perfect plan: they both worked in the same industry and were used to the long and odd hours. She hadn’t been cold then. He hadn’t been as hardened. Life happened, of course. They grew apart. She was different now; he was different now. Neither of them wanted to make it work. Occasionally, they get together to fuck. At least, that’s what he told me. I had a feeling he was leaving some shit out, but then, it wouldn’t be the Vic and Lenny Hour if there weren’t a few things left out.

I asked why he hadn’t told her about me before now. Vic had quickly assured me that he had, but Alice hadn’t believed he’d actually found someone.

I bit the inside of my cheek when he said that.

“How old are you?” I asked.

Vic seemed a little surprised at the question, but he answered it without hesitation.

“Thirty-three. Why?”

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