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“Bryce!” She exclaimed, sitting straight up in bed. The one time she didn’t screen her calls she received a call from the one person she wanted to avoid.

“That’s me,” he said with a slight nervous laugh.

Lateisha smiled, he was so sexy when he wasn’t even trying to be. No those thoughts would just get her in trouble again.

“What can I help you with at this ungodly hour of the morning, Bryce?” Lateisha asked.

“It’s ten am, Lateisha. I’ve been up since five,” he said with a chuckle.

Lateisha’s face heated. “Well we don’t all have multi-million dollar companies to run in the morning now do we?”

“No, I guess not. And it’s a multi-billion dollar company.” He added with another laugh.

“Oh, excuse me.”

“Anyway, I’m calling to see when you will be available to start the insemination process. As I mentioned last night, I’d really like to get this on the road, so to speak,” Bryce said, his voice growing serious.

Lateisha paused for a moment. Did he really want to continue this process after last night?

“Bryce, I, well, I just thought that, I mean, after last night…” Lateisha stumbled over her words unable to put together a coherent sentence.

“It’s okay, Lateisha. We both made a mistake. The dinner atmosphere made it feel like a date and we both got carried away. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to continue.” He assured her in a stern voice.

A mistake? Clearly Lateisha misinterpreted Bryce’s signals last night. She was just at the right place at the right time. She wasn’t anyone special. A pang, of what she wasn’t sure, sliced through her chest but she maintained her composure.

“Right. Okay then. I’m off tomorrow if you’d like to make the appointment.”

They discussed time and where to meet and Lateisha hung up the phone. Sighing, she decided to get up and get ready for work. Bryce made her feel like a slacker.


The next morning Lateisha set her alarm for six and even managed to get up. The appointment was for eight, at her insistence, and she didn’t want to be late. She made a point of telling Bryce to make the appointment at eight so he wouldn’t think all she did was sleep until noon; even if that’s what she did most days. Today the sun was just as bright but for some reason her mood was not. Not wanting to send Bryce mixed signals, she dressed in a plain white shirt and dark jeans, choosing to pair it with black sandals. Nodding at her appearance in the mirror, she grabbed her purse from the dresser and headed downstairs. Becky was in the kitchen making coffee and Lateisha hid the frown that broke out on her face when she saw her. Becky would ask her where she was going so early and Lateisha did not feel like this conversation.

“Good morning,” Lateisha mumbled, reaching into the cabinet for a bowl.

“Wow, what are you doing up so early?” Becky asked, slapping her hand over her mouth quickly when she realized what she had said.

“Ha ha, ‘Lateisha is a lazy bum,’” she muttered without answering Becky’s question.

“Teish, I didn’t say that and you know it. I just don’t think I’ve seen you up so early since nursing school,”

Lateisha sighed, “Sorry, I’m a bit on edge today.”

“Why? Where are you going?” Becky asked, pouring more coffee into her cup.

Lateisha turned away from her and headed to the fridge to retrieve the milk. She took her time pouring some Fruity Pebbles into a bowl and pouring the milk over them. Carrying it to the table, she sat down and began to eat, still not answering the question.

“I don’t know how you eat all of that sugary crap every day and still stay so thin. And you didn’t answer my question,” Becky all but scolded her.

“Fruity Pebbles are bomb,” Lateisha said laughing. “And where I’m going is none of your concern.”

Becky cocked an eyebrow at her, “Shit, Teish, It’s today isn’t it? He’s going to put a baby inside of you today.”

Lateisha grimaced, “That sounds crude, Becky. It’s a medical procedure. It’s not like I’m going to have sex with him.”

Becky nodded, “I’m a nurse, and I
