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Lateisha shook her head as she boarded the bus. The change she deposited clinked its way into the machine and she walked down the narrow aisle and found a seat. Why did she tell him that? Bryce made her speak too freely about what she was thinking, even when she tried to hide it from him. Frowning, she opened the baby app she downloaded while waiting at the bus stop. She put in the date of the IUI to find her due date; it was the same as the one the doctor gave her; April fifteenth. Fighting the urge to rub her belly, she tucked her phone back into her purse and stared straight ahead. She didn’t really have to work, she only told Bryce that so that he wouldn’t insist on driving her back to the penthouse. Knowing Bryce he was headed back to the office and wouldn’t be back until eight o’clock or later, so Lateisha had no worries that he would find her at home when she told him otherwise. Resting her head back on the seat, Lateisha closed her eyes for a moment, exhaustion gripping her like a claw, and thought about her situation. Despite her feelings for Bryce, Lateisha knew she had to remain professional, or she would lose more than just a baby, she would lose her heart.


The next four weeks passed in the same fashion as the previous two, Lateisha went to work and came home, searched for jobs and went to sleep. She rarely saw Bryce, and when she did they mostly just exchanged pleasantries. While not showing a baby bump just yet, Lateisha was sporting some mean nausea and exhaustion. There were days where getting through work was a struggle for her because she was either too tired to move or too nauseous to serve food. Vomiting in the break room bathroom became a normal lunch time routine. That particular day, after vomiting upon arrival, and after lunch, Lateisha was taking fifteen with a cold paper towel on her head and a large Coke in her hand; the carbonation helped to ease the nausea. Barely looking at her phone she dialed Becky’s number from memory.

“Hey, girl.” Becky answered on the second ring, her cheery voice piercing through Lateisha’s pounding head.

“Hey,” she answered, removing the now warm paper towel and tossing it in the trash.

“You sound awful,” Becky mentioned with a laugh.

“I don’t feel so hot either,” Lateisha swigged her soda and almost threw it back up.

“Morning sickness?” Becky asked, an edge of disdain in her voice

Ever since Lateisha moved into Bryce’s penthouse and told Becky she was pregnant, Becky had been angry with her. They still talked almost every day, but their relationship was definitely strained.

Lateisha sighed, “You don’t know the half of it.”

“It’s a good thing he’s paying you,” Becky grumbled.

Lateisha balked, never once in the last six weeks had she thought about the money. Odd but all she

wanted was for Bryce to be happy. She decided not to answer Becky’s smart remark and they talked for several minutes about random things. Lateisha hung up and took another sip of soda, slower this time. Her nausea was easing for now and she was starving. Unfortunately she still had another hour left of work.

Tossing her phone in her purse and locking it up, she grabbed her soda and headed out to the kitchen. Several orders came in with rapid succession and Lateisha didn’t have a moment to think for another hour. When she finally looked up she had five minutes left of her shift. Refilling her soda for the second time, Lateisha walked into the seating area to begin wiping down tables and sweeping.

“Hello,” Lateisha jumped but quickly realized it was only Bryce who was behind her.

Why is he here? She thought, setting her drink and the broom down. They had barely spoken in weeks and now he just showed up at her job.

“What’s up?” She asked, turning to face him.

Lateisha was always surprised at the reaction she had to his appearance and closeness. Never once had she not felt tingly all over and ready to swoon like a stupid teenager with a crush. At the moment she could feel her body heating at his proximity when she turned. He was right behind her, so close she could reach out and grab him if she wanted to. Part of her actually wanted to but she ignored that part. Bryce looked sexy as hell in his gray fitted suit, crisp white shirt and deep purple tie. Lateisha had to tell herself a few times that ignoring the urge to jump his bones was in fact a good thing. Maybe it was the raging hormones. That’s what she told herself anyway. No matter that she felt this way before getting pregnant.

“I just came in to check up on you. We haven’t really spoken in awhile. I hope you remembered the ultrasound we have tomorrow,” Bryce said, his hazel eyes looking her up and down as if he were inspecting her for damage.

Lateisha nodded, turning away from him to wipe the last table. It was better if she wasn’t so close to him while they talked. It was probably a good thing they hadn’t spoken in awhile.

“I remember. I’m doing fine; nauseous and exhausted but fine.” Lateisha grabbed the dirty rag and brought it back behind the counter, snagging her soda and taking a sip as she went.

“What’s that?” Bryce asked, pointing at her cup.

Lateisha laughed. “You’ve never seen soda before?” She teased.

Bryce’s face remained serious. “Soda in large amounts isn’t good for a developing fetus. There’s too much caffeine and the sugar isn’t good for you either. You could develop gestational diabetes.”

Lateisha sighed. Here we go again, she thought.

“Two sodas aren’t a big deal, Bryce.” Lateisha took the cup and dramatically dropped it into a trash can.

Bryce shook his head, “How many have you had over the last few weeks?”

Lateisha didn’t answer, he had a point. She had at least two or three sodas every few days. There was no way she was telling him he was right though.

“Not as much as you would assume, Mr. Control Freak,” she said, turning on her heel and leaving him standing at the counter while she walked to the back to deposit the cloth in the washing machine.
