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Bryce’s mind was still reeling from the kiss, even a whole half hour later, when Lateisha dropped the bomb about not signing the relinquishing of parental rights form. His mood went from mildly embarrassed and light to dark and second guessing. Maybe she wasn’t the right choice after all? Sighing, he took the signed contracts from her outstretched hand. This night was not going as planned. Why the fuck did he kiss her? Well he knew why, she looked fucking sexy in the short black dress and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her plunging neckline. But that wasn’t why they were there. He was there to sign a business contract with her to carry his child and already she was second guessing if she wanted to give the child up to him. Running a hand through his hair, which he still needed to trim, Bryce looked at Lateisha. For the first time he saw that she was vulnerable. The look on her face after she asked him to give her time made his chest clench. What was happening to him?

“Sure,” he answered again as she folded the paperwork and shoved it into her purse. He had to stop himself from grabbing it from her to smooth it out.

“Are you sure? You don’t look sure?” Lateisha asked, pulling at her dress.

Bryce identified that as a nervous habit. How after only a week was he able to know her that well?

“Yes. Take the time you need. I just wanted to get started right away with the insemination so that the baby would be born this winter. I’m planning on flying down to Florida to visit my father around that time and I’d like him to be able to meet the baby.” Bryce answered. A simple yes would have done but he had to tell her more about himself. Keeping his distance and keeping this relationship professional was proving harder than it seemed.

“Thank you so much. We can start the process if you’d like. I’ll sign, I promise. I just need to absorb it that’s all.”

They ate in silence the rest of the dinner and Bryce picked up the check, handing the waiter his credit card. From the corner of his eye he saw Lateisha’s face. She looked a bit embarrassed or ashamed.

“Are you sure I can’t pay for my dinner?” She asked, smoothing her skirt with fervor.

“It’s okay, honestly. This is part of the health clause, making sure you’re fed well.” Bryce laughed.

“Right. Okay,” Lateisha said with a chuckle that sounded forced.

They gathered their things and exited the restaurant. Bryce’s car pulled up to the curb and his driver, Gerry, stepped out.

“Are you ready, sir?” He asked, taking Bryce’s briefcase and placing it into the car.

“Not just yet, Gerry,” Bryce answered.

Lateisha hung back, and he assumed she was planning on walking down the street to the bus stop because her eyes kept drifting to where people sat under the covered platform.

“Would you like a ride?” Bryce asked, stepping back to whisper in Lateisha’s ear.

He saw her shiver and tried not to think about it being from their proximity or the intimate way he whispered in her ear. But being that it was mid August she wasn’t likely cold.

“Uh, no, I’m fine. I was just going to…”

“Take the bus?” Bryce finished for her.

“Yes,” she said her face to the ground.

“Well, considering you just signed a contract to keep your body safe from harm I think it’s in your best interest to catch a ride with me or be found in breach of contract.” Bryce added.

Lateisha laughed and Bryce ignored the way his heart and cock responded to the sound.

“But I’m not pregnant yet so it’s not in effect.”

“You got me there. But what’s the harm in it, Lateisha?” He asked, even though he knew damn well what the harm was.


What was the harm, he asked? Lateisha knew damn well the harm was that they could both fuck up the contract and lose what they both were after. She would admit she was attracted to him. He was kind, handsome, and sexy and a billionaire, what wasn’t to be attracted to? But Lateisha’s life was complicated enough without adding a failed relationship with a billionaire to the mix. She could tell right now if they did start something and he tired of her, which he likely would, she would be devastated.

Resigned, she slid into the back seat of the car as Bryce scooted over to the far side. Gerry closed the door and Lateisha looked out the window, afraid to look at Bryce, afraid of what she might see in his eyes.

“I’m not going to bite, Lateisha,” Bryce said, his voice deep and full of lust.

What was happening? She had to get out of this car.

“Bryce, I…” She started but it was no use, because when she turned, Bryce was right there next to her.

His scent wrapped around her like a blanket and she ignored the feeling of security it brought her. Lateisha raised her hands to his chest and gave a feeble push. Before that they weren’t touching, just sitting very close. When her hands connected with his chest, which was rock hard underneath his dress shirt, Lateisha’s body heated against her will. She wanted to pull back but she couldn’t; she was lost in the sensation for a moment.
