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“No, he’s a really hot boy who wants to be a lawyer, so if those crazy women try to pull this stunt again, you’ll be ready for them,” Kady said, making him frown. “Sorry, just saying.”

“Yeah, I suppose there is some merit to an idea like that,” he had to agree. “But on the plus side, at least my mother’s pregnant girlfriend nonsense has been tended to.”

“You do know that I’m not nearly pregnant enough for that whopper to have been proven, right?” Kady had to point out. “Lay bets they’re just going to say you impregnated me so you wouldn’t get into trouble.”

“Hey wait, I thought that when you impregnated your girlfriend that meant you were in trouble,” Archer teased, once more wrapping his strong arms around her, pulling her close, and exactly where she wanted to be.

“That’s only for people who were not trying to do it in the first place,” she giggled. “I don’t think you’d qualify.”

“Mm, true,” he agreed. “I just hope the lawyer’s come up with a better defense than ‘he didn’t know what Parker was doing because he was too busy dealing with home life’ because that’s a load of crap. If they hadn’t frozen my accounts at the time, I could probably have recruited a much better lawyer than him.”

“Your accounts are frozen?” asked Kady. “Then where is the money you’ve been using coming from?”

“They were only allowed to freeze my accounts in America,” he explained. “I jumped on the Swiss bandwagon years ago. We’ve been living off of that.”

“No wonder they’re looking at you,” Kady replied, looking at him askance. “I thought only naughty people took their money offshore.”

“Not true,” he said. “Though admittedly a lot of them do. Either way, I’m finished with this stuff in here, so what do you say we go down for dinner?”

“Yes, and hopefully there won’t be more uninvited guests down there trying to eat it along with us,” Kady sniffed, still trying to calm herself after she had to take out the trash. The thought made her grin, the humor relaxing her tense muscles even more as Archer grabbed her hand, and they walked downstairs to the dining room together.

Chapter 20

Archer and Kady ate their dinner in relative peace, with no unwelcome guests to deal with. Over the course of the meal he decided that the following day he needed to hire a security guard to keep the obnoxious Mia and her friends from sneaking inside their home again.

“Don’t you worry about it, Kady,” he told her, trying to reassure her. “You know that I’m not going to let that crazy woman do anything to hurt you or our baby, right? And you know that I’d never want anything to do with her. She’s never going to get me in her clutches because I already belong to you. You never have to worry about that, okay?”

“I know that,” said Kady, and she really did. He had proven over and over to her during the past weeks that he really did

mean what exactly what he said. She moved to sit in his lap on his easy chair as soon as they entered his study, entwining her long, lithe arms around his broad shoulders, the ends of his pulled-back hair tickling the backs of her hands.

Archer laughed and let her. “Just remember, you’ll have to stop doing this once that belly’s getting big. We’ll have to move onto the couch or somewhere else then.”

“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” Kady grumbled. “Well of course you are, since you’re not the one who will get sick or swell up like a balloon or have to deal with all the hormonal changes—“

“Right? I’m pretty sure I will definitely have to deal with those when they upset you,” he smirked. “Knowing you, you will make sure of that.”

“You’re damn right I will,” she chuckled, kissing him. “Now, about that comment you made earlier.”

“Which one?” he asked, grinning.

“The one about the sex?”

“What about it?” he wanted to know.

“What do you say we get started on that right here, right now?” Kady suggested as she nibbled his ear.

“Mm, see, I’m about to deal with some of your hormones already,” he teased her. “Couch. Now!”

Archer picked Kady up and practically tossed her down on the sofa, pouncing on top of her as the two shared a hot kiss. She wrapped him into her arms and her legs all at the same time. Archer urgently pressed against her with his rock-hard cock, letting her know just what she did to him. It sent a thrill shooting through her, as always, desire pounding hot and hard in time to her racing heart beat.

“Take off these clothes, woman,” he commanded, as he practically tore off his own shirt while still straddling her. Impatience rode them both as they each just wanted as much skin to skin contact as they could get, as quickly as they could get it.

Kady stood up and disrobed while Archer watched with avid eyes.

“Beautiful,” he told her as she went. His eyes were warm and seductive as they trailed her body, finding every hidden crevice, every lush curve. “Magnificent! Gorgeous! Stop blushing, sweetheart, you know it’s all true.”

“Take off your pants already,” Kady snapped, partly to cover her own embarrassment and partly because she desperately needed to see him naked. Like right now. Then she giggled and surged forward, crawling across the floor on her hands and knees so she could undo his zipper, to impatient to wait for him to do it.
