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“I have to confess… I really misread you.” Eva opened up thanks to the alcohol. “I figured you were some rich snob, but instead I was the snob for having judged you so harshly. I feel kind of dumb.”

“Don’t,” he reassured her. “Most people with money are snobs. At least the ones I’ve encountered, anyway.” Glancing down at his suit he added, “I’m not even comfortable in this thing. I wear it to keep up appearances, that’s about it. I’m more of a jeans and a t-shirt kind of guy.”

They sat on the bench absorbing the beauty of the city and sharing the wine until the bottle was empty. Eva could tell the alcohol had calmed his nerves, and climbing back into the town car they both found themselves giggling drunkenly.

“Oh, man, I never drink this much,” he said as he ditched his tie and unbuttoned his shirt halfway, revealing the light green t-shirt he’d been concealing underneath it. Even in the low light, Eva could easily distinguish the logo sprawled across the chest.

“Are you wearing a Goonies shirt?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yeah,” he answered in embarrassment. “Pretty lame, huh?”

“Are you kidding me? That’s one of my favorite movies!” Eva exclaimed in excitement.

“No way,” he replied incredulously. “You?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You know us black people watch the same movies as you white people, right?” she replied in jest.

“I mean because you’re a few years younger than me,” he clarified. “It’s my favorite movie and I wear this shirt when I want to feel more secure, as idiotic as that sounds.”

“That’s insanely cute,” she said with a big grin. At that moment she knew this strong yet gentle man had managed to steal a piece of her heart. As the car made its way across town back to her apartment building, the two recounted, along with reenacted, the film’s most iconic scenes while cracking each other up in the process. The evening had begun with her having no real desire to see this Devon Cross again, yet as the night wound to an end she was surprised to find herself looking forward to another date.

The town car pulled alongside her building and Devon politely helped her out, both of them still feeling the effects of the alcohol. He walked her up the stoop and they stood there together, both searching for the right words to express their goodbyes.

“Can I see you again?” he blurted, his nerves once again revealing themselves despite the wine coursing through his body.

“I’d like that,” she replied with a smile.

“When?” he asked excitedly. “Is tomorrow too soon?”

She could tell by the look on his face that he immediately regretting adding the second part and was silently chastising himself for appearing too eager.

“Tomorrow’s fine, silly,” she answered soothingly while placing a comforting hand on his cheek. “Perfect, really. I have the whole day off so I’ll be free anytime.”

“Nice!” he fired back while thrusting his hands towards the sky in victory.

“Calm down, mister,” she laughed as she stared into his captivating blue eyes. “What did you have in mind?”

“I’d like to have you over for dinner. I want to cook for you. Then I say we make some popcorn and watch a movie. Good?” he asked with a hopeful look.

“Good,” she chuckled, watching the worry vanish from his face.

“I’ll text you so you have my number. Let’s do eight o’clock tomorrow, if that’s not too late for you.”

“I’m not an old woman,” she joked. “Eight works for me.”

“Do you know why eight hates seven?” he asked suddenly. Eva looked at him with a puzzled look on her face.

“What?” she said in confusion.

“Because seven eight nine! Get it? Seven ate nine?” he explained, laughing at his own stupid joke.


bsp; “You’re so dumb!” she giggled uncontrollably while playfully batting at his shoulder.

“Seriously, thank you for tonight,” he said when their laughter faded. “I had an amazing time.”

He leaned in as if to kiss her, but wrapped his strong arms around her in a warm embrace instead. She returned the hug, feeling his powerful body press into hers, and her pulse raised as she squeezed him.
