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Wrong, wrong, you are wrong. She will be mother to our young. I will brand our scent strongly. No males will dare approach her.

His dragon’s words piqued his curiosity. Tell me what you mean about her being mother to our young. Tell me, and we can fuck her once.

I will fuck her anyway. I don’t need to bargain.

Since his dragon was stubbornness incarnate, Bram knew this was a losing battle. It was best to agree for now and pounce when his inner beast least expected it. Post-orgasm, he should be able to regain command of his mind.

Still, it was best to allow his beast to think he won for the time being. Fine, if we fuck her, will you allow me to talk to her again?

Yes, after.

Okay, we fuck her. But be careful. She is in the basket. We must lower her gently. Don’t take her until she’s inside our secret place.

Of course. I would never hurt her.

Beating his wings in long, slow motions, he carefully maneuvered his dragon’s form down through the jagged rocks. With great care, he laid the basket on the ground, released the metal rings, and moved to the side where an open area would allow him to land.

The second his legs touched the ground, images of kissing Evie, touching the soft skin of her breast, and finally fucking her flooded his mind. As wrong as it was given all the shit going on, his dragon’s need was spi

lling over into his human-half.

As his dragon repeated Fuck her over and over inside their head, he imagined his talons becoming hands, his snout shrinking to a chin and nose, and his wings merging into his back.

Usually when he shifted back into his human-form, his dragon would quietly retreat and either sleep or observe what Bram did. However, that wasn’t the case. His beast was shouting inside his head.

Fuck her. Now. We need her. Hand over control to me or I will lock you inside our mind and fuck her until I’m sated.

Alarm filled his mind at his dragon fucking Evie for as long as he liked. Just give me a few more minutes. We can fuck her soon.

Determined to keep his human half in charge long enough to guide them inside, he ran over to Evie’s basket. She was already standing and staring at him. However, the constant pounding of his dragon’s need prevented him from noticing much about her face, let alone her feelings. Until he thrust his cock into her, he wouldn’t be able to do anything.

“Come. We need to hurry. My dragon needs to fuck you.”

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her along to the secret entrance.


Less than a minute after standing back on solid ground, Evie was being pulled along by a very naked Bram to some secret location so he could fuck her.

Her legs wobbled a bit as she tried to match her dragonman’s pace. The urgency in his voice had been real; she only hoped there was something other than rock at his secret hideaway. Her arse really didn’t want to sit or lay on cold stone or damp grass.

Soon, they were walking underneath the cover of trees and she had to rely on Bram’s guidance. It was pitch black and she couldn’t see a bloody thing.

Bram finally whispered, “We’re nearly to the entrance. I will carry you.”

Before she could so much as say his name, he plucked the laptop from her hand and her stomach bounced against Bram’s bare shoulder. The heat of his skin seeped through her cloak and dress. Combined with his earthy male scent filling her nose, a tingle raced through her body.

Considering all of the shit going on, it was wrong, but the bouncing motioning as he moved made her a little wet. His dragon was about to take control. She wanted to see it.

It will help him, remember. It’s not just you being horny and irresponsible. Sure, she’d go with that.

The air became damp and cool, telling her they were inside one of the rock formations she’d just made out in the moonlight earlier. Just as she wished, there were lights; brightness flashed and she closed her eyes. Opening them slowly, her eyes adjusted to see a room furnished with a bed, a sofa, a small kitchen, and even overhead lights. “How do you power the lights?”

Bram grunted. The next thing she knew, he tossed her onto a soft mattress. Well, at least it’s not stone.

He towered over her and his eyes were flashing rapidly between slits and round pupils. The strain in his voice was pronounced, to the point he enunciated each word when he said, “No questions. Just strip or I’ll rip them.”

Normally, she’d ask him to rip her clothes off as that had always been a fantasy of hers. , However, she didn’t want to destroy the beautiful traditional dragon-shifter dress Samira had given her, so she needed to get naked.

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