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Brenna shrugged. “She’s earned my loyalty. You, on the other hand, have a tendency to joke at inappropriate times and speak without thinking. I’m going to side with the saner, more levelheaded one.”

He wondered if that was how people really saw him at home—a selfish bastard out to cause trouble.

Italy had changed him in many ways, and maybe some were not for the best.

Pushing aside that thought, he replied, “Just take me to the second-in-command. Maybe then I can call Bram.”

“Not if you’re on guard duty. There are more threats out here than back home, especially as this location is more remote. That means stricter rules about what you can and can’t do whilst on duty. Distractions might cost lives, so no smartphones. Each guard has a simple mobile phone for emergencies that does nothing but make calls.”

“Is this the Stone Ages?” he muttered. “Sitting and staring at nothing will distract me more than a phone.”

She motioned with her head. “Stop your whining. No wonder Teagan locked you in here. Come on or we’ll be late. I can answer more questions as we walk.”

He followed Brenna. Ignoring her snide remarks, he took her up on her offer to get more information. “What are the threats to Glenlough? No one has told me much of anything about my post here.”

Brenna glanced at him. “Teagan will tell you the details when it’s pertinent to your duties. Just know that trouble is coming.”

“That’s all you’re going to tell me? I can’t do anything wi

thout information.” he replied.

“Let’s just say that you’re not here to help smooth relations with Clan Northcastle. As I mentioned, when Teagan assigns you a related duty, you’ll learn about what’s going on.”

He eyed the younger female. “How do you know so much? You haven’t been here that long.”

She shrugged. “Long enough. Unlike you, I respect Teagan and have earned her trust, so she includes me on clan matters. Try the same and you might learn a lot more about what happens here.”

He frowned. “Be careful, Brenna, or they might kick you off their land for telling me anything.”

She smiled. “I was told to brief you about this much, at least. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be talking.”

It seemed Brenna was loyal to Glenlough. He had a feeling she might never come back to Stonefire to live again. “Their leader has rubbed off on you. I hope you’re not treating her like a god.”

Brenna looked at him with narrowed eyes. “Stop insulting her. She’s right up there with Bram when it comes to caring for her people and doing anything to protect them. Give her a chance and you might see it the way I do.”

Aaron doubted it.

His dragon spoke up. Why are you so dead set against her? She bested us, yes. But I thought you’d like the challenge.

Aaron didn’t bother to reply. All females, except for a rare few, were trouble.

He merely picked up his pace. He’d count down the seconds until the end of his guard duty. Once it was over, his first priority would be contacting Bram to see what could be done about sending another Protector to take Aaron’s place.


Teagan sat up straight when Bram Moore-Llewellyn’s dark hair and blue eyes appeared on her computer screen. “That was quick.”

Stonefire’s clan leader replied, “Aye, well, you said it was important. And since I only sent you one Protector for the moment instead of two, I need to ensure things are going smoothly.”

Their relationship wasn’t as strong as she’d like, but she was comfortable enough to drawl, “Smoothly isn’t the way I’d describe it.”

Bram raised his dark brows. “What happened?”

“Let’s just say that Aaron doesn’t take kindly to following my orders.”

Bram was quiet a second before he answered, “There’s something you should know about him, O’Shea. He’s capable, intelligent, and one of our best Protectors. However, his mother was attacked recently and not for the first time in his life. I think it shook him up a bit. While I’ll send another of my clan soon, give Aaron another chance.”

Teagan studied Bram’s eyes, but they didn’t reveal any emotion. She had heard about the attack on Aaron’s mother, but hadn’t really thought about it since. “If he’s still shaken up from the attack, why did you send him?”

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