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Her dragon grunted. No. Aaron is making dinner and waiting for us to jump him.

This is more important.

Are you sure?

Look, I wanted a night of kinky sex too. But if it costs us the clan, then what?

Her beast sighed. I suppose.

Teagan motioned with her head toward the door. “I just need to let my visitor know the change of plans, and then we can work in one of the conference rooms inside the Protectors’ central command.”

“If your gran is here, we can do it tomorrow morning. I’m not about to put Orla Kelly out. She’ll make sure I never forget it, and I don’t need the trouble.”

“No, it’s not her. Just give me a second.”

Teagan put a hand on the door, but Colm’s voice prevented her from entering. “We could just work here to save time.”

She looked back at Colm’s green eyes but couldn’t read them. She didn’t think he had an ulterior motive of wanting to woo her, but with dragonmen, it was hard to tell. “It’s messy, and it’s safer for all if we use one of the conference rooms.”

He smiled. “I live alone. Believe me, my place is worse. If your place is worse than mine, I’ll owe you twenty euro.”

Teagan hesitated. She didn’t like bringing work into her home, at least work that involved others. Yet she needed Colm’s support and help. Turning him away might make him distant, especially since they’d known each other their whole lives and had always gotten along.

He winked. “It can’t be that bad.”

“All right. But I still need to let my guest know of the change. Come in.” She entered and waved toward the mostly clean sofa. “You can wait in there.”

Colm raised an eyebrow. “Who’s this guest of yours? And why the secretive nature?”

Aaron’s voice echoed down the hall. “Yes, why?”

Aaron appeared a foot away from her and she met his gaze. While to most he’d appear nonchalant, she noticed the tightness of his jaw.

Her dragon chuckled. Good. He’ll work harder to impress us later.

Teagan acted as if her beast hadn’t spoken. “Colm MacDermot, this is Aaron Caruso. Aaron, this is Colm. He’s helping me plan the leadership trials.”

Aaron studied Colm a second before saying, “We met earlier. It’s a good thing I made extra. Come on, let’s eat.”

Aaron turned before Teagan could say a word. Colm spoke, his voice full of amusement. “I thought he was a Protector.”

“He is. He’s just helping me out.”

Her dragon chimed in again. So, you’re not going to mention the bet? I wonder why.

It’s between Aaron and me. I don’t need Colm thinking Aaron is weak.

Look who’s defending who.

Teagan motioned a hand toward the kitchen. “Come. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

As she made her way into the kitchen, Teagan only hoped Aaron wouldn’t act possessive and try to undermine her authority. She hoped he understood that when others were inside the house, their agreement of being equals was on hold.

Her dragon huffed. He’s intelligent. Give him some credit.

I don’t have a brilliant track record with males.

Aaron is different. Wait and see.

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