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Sid never took her gaze from his. "I doubt even his dragons would hurt a pregnant female since they don't appear to be rogue. Besides, I have a few tricks to protect myself, if need be."

Blue spoke up. Of course I wouldn't hurt her. I want to play with her baby when it's old enough.

Hopefully by then, you'll be mature enough not to want to do that, Black said. But she's right, I'd never hurt a pregnant female.

Killian asked, "Since pregnancy is a sort of protection, shouldn't we try it with your mate instead? After all, the DDA Inspector isn't pregnant and won't have that to protect her."

Sid shook her head. "No, let's start with me first. If you do well, then we'll try it with Gregor or even one of the Protectors." She moved to the side and motioned toward the exit. "To test this, I need you to leave, Brenna."

Brenna stood at his side. "Tell me as soon as you're done, Sid, so I can come back."

"You can work that out with Bram and Kai. They have a job for you and you're to report to Bram's cottage straight away."

He could sense Brenna's hesitation. Placing a hand on her lower back, he murmured, "Go. Your work is important to you. Besides, how are you supposed to charm Bram into letting me out of here if you don't see him?"

She smiled. "It will be easier to charm him without you growling all the timeā€¦"

Lightly swatting her bum, he said, "I like this cheeky side. She should come out more."

Brenna grinned and everything vanished but her smile.

With hard work and a little luck, he hoped to see that smile every day for the rest of his life.

Rather than think on how right that future sounded, he kissed her gently and stepped away. "Go, love. I'm sure that Sid will take care of me."

Before the doctor could open her mouth, Brenna winked and exited the room.

Sid turned her stare on him. "All right then, let's not waste any more time. I want to talk with your dragons."

He warned, Remember, behave. If you attack each other and make me go into another seizure, we'll never get out of here.

Once both his beasts grunted their agreement, Killian slowly retreated to the back of his mind. As seemed to be the norm, Black spoke first. "This is Black. I'm perfectly in control and stable."

Sid crossed her arms over her chest. "Is that so? What if you were in midflight, and something came up? Would you work together or simply make the decision?"

"Make the decision. I have more experience."

Sid didn't miss a beat. "Let me talk to Blue."

Mentally muttering, Black allowed Blue to say, "Hello, Dr. Sid. I don't think you're that scary."

Sid smiled. "I'm not, really, as long as people follow orders. But charm won't work with me, Blue. Same question: would you work with Black to make a split-second decision? Or, would you make it on your own?"

"I don't know. It depends. I know some things better, and so does he."

"You're the more level-headed one, then." Sid uncrossed her arms and took a step closer. "Being civil in a controlled environment is all well and good. However, we need to purposefully test you. I'll see what I can arrange."

Killian took control again. "And what do I do until then?"

"You stay here and train your dragons." She motioned toward a stack of books. "Tristan gave you those volumes for a reason."

"I know most of that information already," he grumbled.

"If I were you, I wouldn't take all this help for granted, Killian O'Shea. Read them. I guarantee there are things inside those books that you don't remember. Take in as much information as you can. After all, cockiness will only cause trouble for you later on."

With that, Sid exited the cell, locked it, and left the room.

Sighing, Killian picked up one of the books and glanced at the title: Learning to Live with your Inner Dragon: A Beginner's Guide.

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