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Bram finally raised his brows. "Are you sure this is what you want? Just because Kai thinks it's the best option doesn't mean you have to agree to it."

Zain shook his head. "It's not just Kai's opinion that matters, Bram. The human talks more to me than anyone else, meaning I'm the best fit for her right now. I can protect her, watch her to determine if she's being sincere or playing us, and learn what she knows about our enemies. There's no downside to it."

Bram snorted. "Said by a male who's never been in love before."

Bram was one of a handful of loved-crazed males inside the clan now, which could be irritating on occasion. "I respect Evie like everyone else, and I'm glad you found her, but that sort of family life isn't for me, Bram. My strengths lie with protecting the clan. That's the future I want, nothing more."

"We'll see, Zain. We'll see." He opened his mouth to protest more, but Bram beat him to it. "I won't keep trying to talk you out of it. However, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't at least ensure this is what you want, aye?" He nodded, and Bram continued, "Then let's go. Kai is on his way, Jane has the mating bands, and with Nikki, we'll have more than enough witnesses. Evie would've been here, too, but our youngest is fussing, and she didn't want to leave him."

They had two boys and one girl, all too young to even attend school yet. Zain didn't envy Bram and Evie at all.

His dragon grunted. It wouldn't be so bad.

Don't go hoping for children, dragon.

If we find our true mate, then your view won't matter.

Ignoring his beast, Zain followed Bram out of the private waiting area and down the corridor to Ivy's room.

Only to find Dr. Sid standing in front of Ivy's door, her arms crossed over her chest and a fro

wn on her face.

His dragon whispered, This isn't going to go well.

As soon as they were close enough, Sid motioned with her head for them to follow her. Bram sighed. "Can't it wait, Sid?"

"No, but this won't take long. Let's go next door to talk. You, too, Zain."

Since no one on Stonefire crossed Sid, except for maybe her mate and Bram when she went too far, they followed. The instant the door closed, she spoke again. "Ivy has only started to regain her strength, and you want to force a mating ceremony on her? And no, don't try to say it's some kind of whirlwind romance, either, because that's bullshit."

Bram raised his brows. "It's not as if Zain's going to jump her, Sid. This is for her safety as much as ours. Once the DDA learns she's here, I'll have no power over her fate unless she's mated to someone inside the clan."

His dragon murmured, So he is thinking of the human female, too.

Sid looked at Zain. "Swear here and now that you'll treat her as if she were your true mate, Zain. That means being nicer to her, not riling her up, and doing everything to ensure she recovers as quickly as possible. No matter what she's done in the past, she doesn't deserve a mate who'll only verbally and emotionally abuses her."

His dragon stood up and growled. Zain answered Sid before his beast could start shouting. "I can't be instantly nice to her, but I won't use her as a verbal punching bag, either."

Bram stepped in. "She'll be watched over, Sid. Ivy may be mating Zain, but Nikki and Jane have plans to visit her and introduce her to Mel and Evie. Maybe even to some of the children, too. She'll be treated well enough. I vow it."

Sid looked at Bram, then at Zain, and back again. "Fine, but you'll heed my medical advice concerning the human. She's still incredibly fragile and could relapse at any moment. At least until we find a permanent antidote for her. And yes, I'm working on that. Or, rather, Gregor is asking all the doctors who've joined our association of dragon doctors to help."

Zain grunted, not liking how the female doctor thought the worst of him. Did he really come off as such an arsehole to others? "I won't do anything to endanger her health. You have my word, Sid."

"Good." Sid motioned toward the door. "Then go and don't keep her waiting any longer."

Bram nodded at Sid in parting before exiting the room and entering the one beside it that was Ivy's. Zain followed his clan leader. However, as soon as Bram moved to the side, revealing the human female, Zain stopped in his tracks and blinked.

Gone was the pale, mussed-hair female. Ivy would always be pale, but the blue of her simple gown made her skin glow, and her ginger hair was piled atop her head with a few tendrils framing her face. However, instead of appearing more orange like before, her hair currently looked a deeper red.

If he didn't know anything about who she was or her past connections, he'd say she was beautiful.

His dragon growled. Yes, she is. But I always knew that. You were just too blind to look. It's sad that she needs a hairstyle and different clothes to convince you she's pretty.

Not wanting to encourage his beast, Zain ignored him and walked the remaining feet to her bed. Before he could think better of it, he muttered, "You look nice."

Wariness filled her gaze. "Er, thank you?"
