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We can't, he stated.

Zain spoke to the doctors again. He grunted. "I'm not thinking of tossing her over a chair and fucking her. All I want is to give her some physical therapy and take her out to see my dragon when she's strong enough. Can I do either today?"

Dr. Sid shrugged. "The PT will be fine. As for another excursion so soon after yesterday, you're going to have to wait. Maybe in a day or two, she can go out again for a couple hours, but no more."

A phone buzzed on Gregor's desk. After the dragonman checked it, he said to his mate, "Ivy's awake. All her signs are stable and seem good. For now."

His dragon stood a little taller at the mention of Ivy being awake. Zain tried not to notice it and said, "Right, then I'm going to see her. Let me know the second you have more information on her status, ailment, or whatever the fuck is wrong with her."

He strode from the room and headed for Ivy's. His dragon decided to chime in. Well, if we can't sleep with her, then it gives you plenty of time to get to know her better.

Not this again.

After he'd put Ivy back to bed the previous evening, he'd stared at her sleeping form for longer than he'd liked. Watching her interact with Blake had been fascinating.

Because while Zain's eyes would glaze over at the first talk of formulas, Ivy had become even more animated.

She truly had a love for science.

Maybe she could use that talent to better guard his clan and the other dragons around the world.

Of course, since she'd been so at ease with Blake, Zain had done his fair share of glaring. Not that the male seemed to notice Zain’s glower, or even Ivy as a female.

Given how the shy male rarely interacted with other clan members and was teased as a hermit, it shouldn't really surprise Zain.

But how could someone not notice her lovely ginger hair or eyes that reminded him of the deep parts of the ocean?

His dragon laughed, but Zain ignored him. He was allowed to notice his mate's beauty, even if he had no intention of acting on it.

Liar, his beast muttered.

He reached Ivy's room, knocked, and entered without waiting for a reply—and caught sight of a nurse pulling the gown over Ivy's pale, naked back.

While Ivy needed to gain weight still, the long curve of her spine and the smooth skin dotted with freckles made him want to rush over and kiss each and every one of those little spots.

And continue his quest until he'd found every single one on her body.

No. Former Knight, former Knight, former Knight, he repeated inside his head. She could never be his. To do so would be a betrayal to his clan.

So Zain pushed aside every last erotic thought he had of Ivy and waited for the nurse to finish. Then he strode over and sat on the edge of her bed. "I ha

ve some questions for you."

His beast sighed. So much for easing into it.

I have to do it this way.


Not deigning his dragon with an answer, Zain stared at Ivy and waited for her to react.

A nurse had been in the process of retying her hospital gown after the morning examination when a sizzle went down her spine. At first, Ivy wondered if it had something to do with her condition or even a sign she was on the road to recovery. However, when Zain appeared in front of her and sat on her bed, she instantly knew it'd been his eyes on her back that had heated her skin.

She'd seen many fit dragon-shifters the day before, but none of them elicited the same response as it did with Zain.

The man she had mated and would be spending lots of time with, but would never truly be hers.

Not that she wanted him that way. No, that would be ridiculous.
