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As they stared at one another, Zain battled the ever-present urge to kiss his female. "Since we don't have a lot of time before you need to work some more with Nate and Lucien, I'll take your word. But you're getting an energy bar first."

She sighed. "I hate those things."

"I know, but you need them to gain a little more weight. Doctor's orders." He reached for her forearm crutches and turned them toward the door.

They'd fallen into a routine, and whenever they were inside the cottage, Ivy leaned against him and used him instead of her crutches. However, she wanted to appear less vulnerable outside their home and would only use the crutches then.

The dragon side of him wanted her to always rely on him, but his human half respected his strong, independent female.

After Ivy quickly ate her food, they went outside. As they walked, he noted every person who turned away from them. The list was growing a little smaller as news of Ivy's work spread, but not fast enough.

Every individual who snubbed them was on his list to watch for any sign of danger.

His dragon spoke up. It takes time. Remember when Melanie first came here? She is merely human, nothing more, and it took months, some even more than a year, to accept her.

Melanie Hall-MacLeod was beloved not only by Stonefire but also by many dragon clans who supported human-dragon pairings. After all, she'd done much to sway public opinion with her book. They may have been wary of Melanie, but Ivy's situation is different. There are probably some people who want to kill Ivy for merely being a former Dragon Knight, regardless of what she's doing now.

His beast growled. We won't let that happen.


They approached the main landing area, and Zain mentally sighed in relief to see it empty. He'd picked early afternoon on purpose since it was the quietest time of day for takeoffs and landings.

Ivy whispered, "You're going to keep your promise, right? Not to fly away this first time?"

He placed a hand on her lower back. "No, I won't fly away. And if you want me to change back, you know the special word to say."

She bobbed her head. "Watermelon."

Yes, he and Ivy had a safe word for dragon forms. Zain didn't think anyone had had that before.

He stopped them at the edge of the huge, empty area surrounded by low walls. He turned her face up toward his and searched her eyes. "I know I keep mentioning my dragon's desire to show off to you, but if you're not ready, just tell me now, and we'll do it later."

Ivy shook her head. "No, I'm ready, truly. If I can't accept all of you, then this will be doomed before it barely starts."

He cupped her cheek and stroked her soft skin with his thumb. "Whilst it may not seem brave to most, you are exceptionally brave right now, Ivy Passmore."

And if not for her condition, he'd kiss her in reassurance.

But he fucking couldn't. Zain was all for getting to know a female he cared for before sleeping with her, but it was starting to get ridiculous.

His dragon murmured, Forget about that. It's finally my turn to show off.

Aware of how patient his dragon had been, Zain caressed Ivy's cheek one last time before he moved toward the middle of the sheltered landing area. Methodically, he stripped off his clothes, and he couldn't help but notice Ivy's gaze turn heated. Although the hunger in her eyes made both man and beast stand a little taller, he did his best to tame his cock.

The day he could claim her couldn't come soon enough.

His dragon growled. Hurry up. You've had a lot of time with her. It's my turn.

And so Zain closed his eyes and let his dragon half take over so he could shift.

Ivy's mouth dropped open as Zain's body changed. His nose elongated into a snout, his arms and legs morphed into limbs, and wings sprouted from his back. It couldn't have been more than thirty seconds or so, but time seemed to move slowly until her dragonman stood in his red dragon form, wings snapped out behind him.

He was tall, so very tall, to the point she had to strain her neck to look upward at his face. The sharp points of his teeth poking out from his mouth made her still a second. But then she met his eyes—eyes that were similar to Zain's when they flashed in his human form—and she let out the breath she'd been holding.

This was her greatest test. And if she failed, it meant no Zain, no closeness, and a life without anyone to call family.

In other words, Ivy would do whatever it took to grow accustomed to his dragon form, no matter if it had once been the stuff of her nightmares.
