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Dr. Sid added, "However, the fact you're awake is a good sign, a very good sign. You might be past the worst of it yet."

With a bit of effort, she croaked, "How long…to…recover?"

"I'm not sure. But the good news is that your most recent blood tests show you're no longer poisonous to anyone. So once you're strong enough, you can finally kiss your mate." Sid looked at Zain and raised her brows. "Don't think of trying it earlier than when we say you can do it, either."

Something passed between Sid and Zain, some kind of information they didn't want to tell her.

And as much as she wanted to demand answers, her throat ached and her entire body was heavy, sort of like when she'd first woken up from her coma.

If—no, when—she could walk on her own two feet again, she'd never take it for granted.

Emily finished her quick examination, nodded, and met Ivy's gaze. "Everything seems normal right now. I need to draw more blood, but then you can have some ice chips and spend a bit of time alone with Zain."

Zain snorted. "We'll see if that comes true or not. Daisy has tried to be in this room as much as possible, something about having a lot of energy and wanting to give Ivy some of it to help her wake up and walk again."

She attempted to laugh, but it turned into a quick, dry cough.

Emily nodded to herself. "Right, then let me draw your blood so Zain can help you with your throat."

As the doctor quickly did so, Ivy couldn't tear her gaze away from Zain. To most people, he'd look nonchalant and in control.

But she'd spent a lot of time with her mate—at least when she'd been conscious—and she noticed the faint circles under his eyes and the overly long stubble on his cheeks.

She hated that she'd been the one to cause him distress. But once she was well, she would make it up to him.

Starting with their first bloody kiss on the lips.

Zain did his best to remain calm as he watched the two female doctors do their work. But on the inside, he was a wreck.

He wasn't a male who cried often, but when Ivy had finally opened her eyes, he'd nearly done it. Only the two children in the room had prevented him from breaking down.

The doctors had said that once Ivy woke up, the worst of the danger should be over.

"Should" being the operative word, but he'd take it.

And now his mate was awake, staring at him from across the room, her beautiful eyes conveying more than anything she could say in the moment.

He couldn't wait to talk with her without anyone else listening.

His dragon spoke up. You'd better bloody tell her you love her when you get the chance. No more waiting.

I agree, no more waiting, dragon.

Good. And once you do that, then hold her, kiss her jaw, her cheek, her temple, and say it again.

Zain mentally grunted. Someone's becoming romantic.

Don't tease me. You know how close she came to dying. If you won't treasure her, then I'll take control and do it myself.

Zain mentally growled. Of course I'll treasure her. Just let the doctors do their work first, okay?


He went back to watching the doctors work on Ivy, the time ticking by slowly.

When Emily finally finished collecting her blood sample, she left the room. Dr. Sid finished whispering something into Ivy's ear before walking over to him. The doctor said, "I can give you five minutes with her, but I really want a nurse or doctor in here with Ivy for the first few hours to monitor things closely."

Just in case Ivy experienced any of the side effects the doctors had disclosed.
