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He growled before cupping her cheek. "Of course I bloody won't be. You're mine, human. So get used to that idea."

"I think I just might be able to, as long as I get to say you're mine, too."

Zain wanted to kiss her until they were both breathless, but somehow, he managed to only stroke the soft skin of her cheek with his thumb. "Everyone already knows I'm yours, but you can make signs and post them on the cottage front door if you like, just to be sure."

She laughed, and even if it was a bit scratchy, it was music to his ears. He loved each and every time his mate laughed, and he would work harder to make it happen more often.

His dragon snorted, clearly in a better mood now. No one will believe you could do that, even if they see it.

We've seen over and over again how a good mate can change a dragon-shifter for the better. Why would people not believe we can make ours laugh?

His dragon sighed. Because some will never believe a dragon and a former Knight could truly be happy.

Well, fuck them and their ignorance. Because I'm not giving up our human.

Zain finally spoke aloud again. "Be prepared to be spoiled for a while, and not just by me, either." He gestured to the drawings on the wall. "Daisy has become quite taken with you, and has spent most of her time here with Freddie, drawing furiously to decorate your room."

Ivy's gaze darted around to the different walls before meeting his again. "I love them. It's much better than before, when no one wanted anything to do with me. At least now I have two children who want to be friends with me."

Not wanting Ivy to remember the tumultuous first weeks after waking up from her year-long coma, he focused on Daisy again. "Don't worry, you'll have more than enough drawings to use at home, too. Daisy has persuaded Tristan and other teachers to have their students make pictures for you as well, ones depicting different aspects of dragon-shifter history."

She smiled again finally, and the sight made him relax a fraction. "Normally I don't like to rely on others' versions of history, but I think I'll make an exception this time."

He snorted. "If you can even figure out what they are about. Some of the young ones' art is one massive collection of colors."

"That doesn't matter. I'll still treasure them."

As she fell silent, he wondered if she thought about their own children one day.

Pushing the thought aside—his first priority was Ivy above all else—he changed the subject. "On behalf of all of Stonefire, thanks for the email and idea you sent us about how to take down the Dragon Knights."

Ivy perked up a little. "Will Kai and the others use it?"

"Probably, although with a few additions of his own. He and the DDA are in the midst of talks right now."

Ivy opened her mouth to probably ask more questions, but someone knocked on the door before Sid walked in.

And while Zain knew Sid only wanted to help, a small part of him wanted the doctor to go away for a bit longer.

His dragon spoke up. Now who's impatient?

Shut it, dragon.

As Zain watched Sid ask Ivy questions and reveal her preliminary blood results—which were promising—the image of him standing next to Ivy in the surgery, her holding their child, flashed back into his head.

Yes, he wanted that future. Which made him accept something that had been floating around the back of his mind—he'd have to give up his chance to take down the Dragon Knights. Supporting Ivy, loving her, and ensuring she knew she needed to stay alive was far more important than one mission or operation.

And given how Kai and the DDA wanted to act sooner rather than later, Ivy would still need him when everything went down with the Knights. However, he would continue helping Bram and Kai deal with the traitor who’d given up Ivy’s location. That would have to be enough to appease his beast when it came to protecting their female.

Chapter Twenty

Two weeks later, Ivy sat upright in her bed inside the hospital with Zain at her side and wished for once her mate wasn't there.

The dragon clans of the UK and Ireland, as well as the Department of Dragon Affairs in both countries, were about to start their mission to take down the Dragon Knights once and for all.

Not able to stop herself, she said, "You should be with them, Zain."

He sighed as he cuddled her closer against his side. "We've been through this a million times, love. You need me more."
