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But if she stayed and did that, Holly would be cut off from her father.

No, the best thing was to fulfill her contract and go home. In order to do that, she needed to not think of a future on Lochguard.

Wait, since when did she want to stay on Lochguard? Maybe Holly was more exhausted than she’d thought.

Faye’s voice cut into Holly’s thoughts. “Are you sure it’s wise to leave Fraser alone with the roast? He’ll probably eat all of the best bits or save them for himself.”

Lorna placed a hand on her hip. “Faye Cleopatra, there is enough roast in there to feed a small army. Have a little patience.”

Fergus leaned to Holly’s ear and whispered, “Faye is really grumpy when she’s hungry.”

At that moment, Fraser walked in carrying a large tray. His blue eyes met hers. At the intensity in his gaze, a flash of heat rushed through her body.

When his pupils flashed to slits and back, her heart skipped a beat.

Fraser was the first to break eye contact. He laid the platter on the table. Since the room had fallen silent, the clatter of the porcelain against the wood echoed in the room.

Lorna was the first one to speak. “See, Faye? There’s plenty of meat for you to eat, even if Fraser ate some already.”

Faye looked away from Holly and toward Fraser. “You didn’t spit on it, did you?”

Laying his hand on his chest, Fraser put on a mock expression of horror. “And face Mum’s wrath? Are you mental?”

Fergus leaned away from her. She dared to glance at him from the corner of her eye. Fergus was studying Fraser’s face.

Her heart rate kicked up. Had their shared glance stirred up suspicion?

Calm down, Holly. Even if anyone had noticed, Holly hadn’t done more than talk with Fraser and share a few glances. She hadn’t violated her contract.

And she would make sure she never did.

Holly’s determination renewed, she touched Fergus’s bicep. “Would you pour me some wine?”

Fergus finally looked from his brother’s face to hers. “Of course.”

He reached for the nearest bottle of red wine and poured her half a glass. The second he handed it to her, Holly took a sip and then another. She needed all of the liquid courage she could muster if she had to spend the next however many minutes not looking at Fraser.

Faye chimed in. “Can we eat now, Mum? The longer the food sits on the table, the higher the risk of a food fight breaking out and I’m pretty damn hungry.”

Lorna clicked her tongue. “Language, Faye.”

Faye muttered something Holly couldn’t hear, but Fergus chuckled at her side. “Just wait until I leave and it’s just you and Fraser in the house. Mum will have more time to focus on you two with me gone.”

From the corner of Holly’s eye, she just made out Fraser shrugging. “I probably won’t be home much, either. Without you around, brother, I’ll have more lasses for myself.”

Fraser’s words were a stab to her heart. She must’ve read too much into their shared glances and near-kiss in the greenhouse.

Fraser MacKenzie clearly wasn’t worth her time or worry.

Using her newfound determination, Holly glanced to Fraser. Yet as soon as he met her eyes, Fraser looked away and smiled at his brother. “This may actually be your last potential food fight for life. Holly doesn’t strike me as the type.”

Arabella’s voice chimed in. “You mean she acts older than a teenager.”

Holly took a sip of wine and then turned toward Fergus. “If a food fight breaks out, will you shield me?”

The corner of Fergus’s mouth ticked up. “That depends if you start it or not.”

Holly leaned closer. “I was thinking more of you starting it by hitting your brother with a cooked potato.”
