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Finn’s eyes flashed. “I will take her away. Either lower your arm and move out of the way or I will make you.”

The dominance in Finn’s voice nearly made him follow the order. Then his dragon’s need to mate pounded through his body and Fraser could barely put two words together. “No, I won’t let you.”

“Last warning, Fraser. I’ll give you ten seconds to explain your answer before I knock you out cold and snatch Holly away.”

His dragon roared and snarled. Fraser had maybe another minute before he’d lose the battle with his beast.

Gripping the edge of the door for support, Fraser bit out, “Transfer the contract to me.” Finn opened his mouth but Fraser beat him to it. “Promise me you will and I’ll let you knock me out so you can take Holly to safety.”

Finn merely stared at him.

Fraser’s dragon clawed to get free. Fraser had about thirty seconds. “Please, Finn.”

Finn’s jaw turned firm. “I’ll see what I can do. Now, close your eyes.”

Fraser trusted Finn to make things right. After all, they were brothers in all but blood.

Closing his eyes, Fraser focused his remaining energy on restraining his dragon long enough for Finn to knock him unconscious.

After a few beats, a fist connect with his jaw and the world went blissfully black and silent.


Holly clenched her fingers tighter over her chest as Finn’s fist connected with Fraser’s jaw.

The smacking sound filled the room before Fraser’s body went limp and crashed to the floor.

She was torn between checking to see if Fraser was all right and pushing past Finn to run out of the cottage to somewhere safe.

Finn took the choice out of her hands and moved to stand in front of her. His amber eyes were full of concern. “Are you okay, Holly?”

“I—” She paused, took a deep breath, and made her mouth work again. “I’m fine. But explain to me what just happened.”

Finn pressed his lips together before answering, “Fraser is a bloody idiot, that’s what happened.”

Holly raised an eyebrow. “That isn’t exactly helpful.”

Finn sighed. “The DDA is required to explain how you could turn out to be a dragon-shifter’s true mate, aye?” She nodded. Finn half-turned and motioned toward Fraser. “Fraser recognized you as his but didn’t tell anyone, the bloody idiot.”

Before Holly could ask a question, Lorna’s scowling face appeared in the door. Her eyes darted to Fraser and then to Finn. “Why is my son out cold on the floor? I’m sure there’s a good reason, but I’m curious as to what it is.”

“Holly is Fraser’s true mate and the bastard didn’t tell us.”

Lorna shook her head. “Idiot.” Lorna’s eyes turned kind and looked straight into Holly’s. “Are you okay, child? He didn’t hurt or force himself on you, did he?”

“No. But it would be nice if someone explained to me what’s going to happen from here.” Holly’s heart rate kicked up again. “You aren’t going to turn me into the DDA for breaking my contract, are you? Nothing happened. We didn’t even kiss. I can still do what I came here to do and try to bear Fergus a child.”

Lorna waved a hand. “Don’t be ridiculous. The second Fergus touched you, Fraser would beat his brother to a bloody pulp.”

Relief flooded her body, but she wasn’t out of the woods yet. Just because they wouldn’t force her to be with Fergus didn’t mean they wouldn’t turn her over to the DDA.

Holly forced her shoulders back. The action helped to give her strength to push. “You still didn’t answer my question about reporting me.”

Finn answered before Lorna could open her mouth. “Right now isn’t the time to be making promises. I told Fraser I would see what I could do, and I will. I’m more concerned about Fergus.” Finn looked to Lorna. “Is he downstairs?”

Lorna nodded. “Aye. He volunteered to keep watch over Arabella and Faye, in case an intruder had broken in.”

Finn lightly jabbed Fraser’s side with his shoe. “I rather wish it had been an intruder. That would’ve been a whole hell of a lot simpler.” Finn turned back to face Holly. “I need an honest answer, Holly. Are you composed enough to give one?”
